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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by shannoncx

Q: Can somebody tell me there story please?

Hi im new to this..i misscarried last augest at 7 weeks. Ever since than iv been dying for a baby. Me and my partner keep trying but every month no luck :( i keep track of when im ovulating on a phone app from the times i get my period. I just took them 2 days ago hoping i would fall pregnant :( they say when you dont try so hard it happens but it is jist so frustrating ! Was anybody else trying for months and no luck? X

This question was asked Jun. 1, 2014 9:10pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by gotababylady - Jun. 2, 2014 3:36am
My DH had a vascetomy reversal two years ago we tried for over a year before we conceived. We took vitimans, tracked my ovutation, BD'ed on schedule and after all that our pregnancy ended in blighted ovum. I was very depressed and had decided I didn't want to try anymore. DH stopped taking his vitamins and started smoking again. I was so depressed over our loss that we were barley having any sex at all. 3 months after our loss I found out I was pregnant. I couldn't believe it we were not doing any of the things you should be doing if you want to end up pregnant. I am now 35 weeks with our little girl and I can't believe it most of the time. For me not trying worked far better and faster then trying ever did. Good luck to your and your DH I hope yo u have success soon :)

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Answered by Mmkohl - Jun. 2, 2014 2:50am
The first time we were trying it took 8 months. We waited until our son was 6 months old and started trying again. It took 10 months this time. It does get harder to deal with every month not seeing two pink lines. The only thing I did different the cycle we conceived was pay attention to my cervical mucus. I read up on it online and used that as an ovulation guide and it seems to have worked. In earlier months I had used ovulation kits with no luck. Good luck!

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Answered by mrsfitz1226 - Jul. 30, 2014 3:41am
We had no problem conceiving our first two children, then I got pregnant 05/2012 and miscarried 07/2012. We tracked ovulation, and had sex almost everyday. I took us exactly 2 years to get pregnant again! Got a BFP 06/2014 and am 11+5 now. I was honestly thinking that for some reason I just wasnt fertile anymore, all things in time! I wish you the best of luck I know that its frustrating and discouraging, you will be in my thoughts!

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Answered by shelob - Jun. 2, 2014 4:39am
I understand exactly what you are going through. I had a miscarriage last year after I had finally got pregnant (over a year of trying) after the miscarriage it took us another year to get pregnant again (we were actually booked in for IVF later this year due to various issues which meant we were VERY unlikely to get pregnant on our own!).

I agree with the ditching the app, this can do more harm than good. Either chart your own cycles using signs such as cm or BBT or don't time at all, just have regular intercourse. Either of those methods is safer than timing based on an app.

By the way, this site is designed for those who are pregnant so it might get a bit disheartening (I know I avoided people who were pregnant in the last wee while of TTCing!!). You will find HEAPS of ladies in your position on the TTC version which is http://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/ It is great.

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Answered by Firsttimemommy30 - Jun. 2, 2014 4:00am
It took us 1.5 years of progressively trying harder and harder. Lots of tracking every way possible. Health setbacks and Luteal phase defect. Third Clomid cycle and first positive ever! At 10 weeks and praying!

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Answered by Allikay23 - Jun. 25, 2014 11:58pm
I ovulate around 23 days. Try ordering some ovulation test strips. I think the last ones I got were like $10 for 100 & they were accurate. I felt like I'd never get pregnant again. It took us EXACTLY one year to get pregnant the second time. then 6 months third time. then 9 months fourth time. hopefully it won't take you as long :)

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Answered by lyssa7872 - Jun. 2, 2014 2:29am
It took us 7 cycles, and then we ended up with a chemical pregnancy (basically an extremely early miscarriage). Nothing for another 5 cycles after that. Finally we just said screw it, this clearly isn't working. We changed some stuff, got a puppy, and I started eating healthier to lose some weight I gained from depression eating over not having a kid by now. Bam. 2 cycles later we were pregnant :) It's NOT easy to just "stop thinking about it so much" but it did work for us. We focused on just enjoying each other for a while, NOT keeping track of periods or ovulations, and busied ourselves with other thoughts - the puppy thing sounds dumb, but it was great. A puppy is so much like a kid in some ways, that even though it didn't FILL the baby hole inside our hearts, it certainly helped round out the edges, and now the dog and baby are best buds :) Keep your chin up, and don't be scared to see a dr if you think there's a problem!

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Answered by kaylia2oo5 - Jun. 2, 2014 12:26am
My SO and I tried for 4 months. We finally got pregnant and miscarried at 6w in January of 2011. We tried and tried for months and nothing. We ended up being referred to an infertility clinic, and the end of November 2011, I was diagnosed with PCOS. They put me on Metformin in hopes that I'd get pregnant.
I'm not sure if it was that, or my SO and I had started talking about getting married. I'm not sure if it's the fact we stopped thinking so much on getting pregnant and was more focused on the wedding, or the metformin, but we got pregnant with our son in February 2012, and he was born in November 2012!
We knew we wanted one more baby, so after 4 months of trying this time, I went back to a Doctor. They put me on clomid this time, and am now pregnant with twins.
Try not to focus on it (I KNOW how hard it is!!) completely. Also, try ovulation strips. Best of luck!

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Answered by eag923 - Jun. 1, 2014 10:40pm
Phone apps are notoriously inaccurate for pinpointing ovulation. They just use averages & generally aren't specific to your cycle. You may want to try opk, or even better, chart your bbt to confirm that you are ovulating & when. Cm is also a useful tool. After a year, if you're still having issues, you can always consult your Dr. Gl to you!

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