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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by Gulasarian702

Q: Breast Leakage and Nursing Pads

ok so im wondering if i should go and buy nursing pads right now. I'm only 18 weeks but i have a lot of breast leakage its pretty annoying. I've had leakage since 15 weeks so yeah but hubby woke me up from my nap yesterday and when i walked into the bathroom to go pee i noticed i had dry breast milk or colostrum or whatever it was all over my breast and i wasnt even laying on that one. Then later on that night i was sitting up watching t.v i had just got me some water and it was pretty late at night like 11pm and my leg felt wet. The same breast was leaking and i was just sitting there i mean ughh its annoying. But i cant decide if i should go get nursing pads or not. Whatever it is that is leaking from my breast its a lot of it when it does leak.

This question was asked Jan. 26, 2012 7:15pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by GypsyTasya - Jan. 27, 2012 12:18am
hi there. i haven't started leaking yet. but, my best friend has given me some advice ... she leaked alot during her pregnancies. she advised me to buy the thin maxi-pads and cut them in half instead of using the nursing pads. she said that for her, since she leaked so much, that the nursing pads didn't do the job and was just a money-sink. i guess they'd work if it's not alot of leakage though.

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Answered by TangleBirdie - Jan. 26, 2012 10:53pm
hi. ive been leaking since 18 weeks, now 36 and its gotten slowly worse since 18 weeks. i put off buying breast pads till about 24 weeks as i was in denial that i was leaking so early on lol.. BUT what i did end up doing is, I bought a packet of re-washable cotton breast pads it came in a packet of 3 pairs and i use them and wash them as needed. As I dont really leak excessive amounts of colostrum the re washable ones are working great for me. Ive got disposables for when the baby is here and the milk comes in and i will leak alot but till then Ive saved myself HEAPS of money just using the same 3 pairs and washing them regularly..

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Answered by jennruth - Jan. 26, 2012 7:18pm
You produce first milk (colostrum) before you baby gets here. After delivery your body will ramp up to start producing "white" milk within a week or so. Not unusual for your breast to leak especially if they get compressed certain ways but especially to the side. A sports bra that compresses to your chest should help. You will either have to wear a sports bra, a regular bra with pads or deal with the wet spots. I had leakage since 12 or 14 weeks but this is my second child.

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