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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by mojo2213

Q: Has anyone done the gender ring test for fun? Just wondering what your results were?

The ring test is where you tie a string to a wedding ring and hold it over your uterus. If it moves in a circle it's a girl and back and fourth it's a boy. I've done this a few times now and keep getting a boy and girl. I am not sure why it keeps saying both, a boy and girl. It is very obvious it moves in 2 directions. I know it is just for fun , just curious what has happened to others who have tried it. I have my first ultrasound this Friday!

This question was asked Aug. 13, 2014 9:21pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by kate80 - Aug. 14, 2014 1:11pm
Done it and was right four times says my next should be a boy have to wait and see if will be right fifth time. :)

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Answered by mojo2213 - Aug. 14, 2014 4:16pm
Alison, I will have to try that one! Thanks for the tip :-) congrats on your little girl :-)

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Answered by mojo2213 - Aug. 14, 2014 2:28pm
Really? That is awesome! I'm just curious to see if mine is right, saying boy and girl... I will be in total shock if I'm having twins. I've had a lot of people asking me if I'm having twins and people who don't even know I'm pregnant yet saying they are having dreams that I had twins. Even my OB was acting kind of funny about twins at my last appointment. I'm not letting it get to my head , I know this is just a fun way to find out the gender. Keep me updated if it turns out to be a boy! And congrats :-)

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Answered by alison - Aug. 14, 2014 3:48pm
I just did it and it was right, says it's a girl. Earlier before I found out the gender from doing the blood test, I did the pencil test to determine the gender. It was right too. You take newly sharpened wooden pencil, needle and thread. Thread the needle and stick the needle into end of eraser of pencil and old the thread with point of pencil over your wrist. If pencil moves in a circle - it's a girl; if pencil movies in a straight line back and forth - it's a boy. It goes through the order of babies you've had for each pregnancy and future pregnancies - even miscarriages. It completely stops between pregnancies.

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Answered by Papas~Mama - Aug. 16, 2014 8:11pm
It is a lot of fun, but if you really think about it, a ring on a string isn't any sort of scientific method and can't truly tell you anything for a fact(we know this, right, lol?) When I had my first child, an older lady I used to work with did the 'needle and thread' thing above my wrist. She told me that it was a girl, and she was telling her that she wanted her name to be Amanda. Well, I had a boy. This is what we made of it - I said, "he was trying to tell us that he was A MAN, duh!!!

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Answered by JakkiGirl - Aug. 21, 2014 12:53pm
I have done this test on myself and all my friends and it's never been wrong for me. If you use a needle and thread and hold it over your left palm it will tell you all the children you have and will have. If I do it, it goes boy girl boy girl. I do indeed have a boy, girl and boy and I'm 7 weeks pregnant. If I hold it over my mothers hand it shows boy, boy, boy ,girl. I happen to be the youngest of four children and I am the only girl. This test does count any failed pregnancies as well, so you must account for those. Based on what you've said, you're having a boy this time.

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