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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by kaitlinarmerding

Q: Pregnancy successes after Blighted Ovum? Please share!

I had a miscarriage back in June (blighted ovum) and just found out a week ago that I am pregnant again. I am so excited but every time I start to feel excited about certain milestones like finding out gender and feeling baby kick I stop myself and tell myself I need to not be excited about that because I'm not are if we will get there this time.

I would really love to hear some success stories from some of you ladies of your pregnancy after a blighted ovum or miscarriage. My first scan is a little over a week away and I am so so terrified of going into my first appt and seeing another empty sac, it was so heartbreaking last time. I am so positive some days and other days (like today) I am worried sick. I just want a happy healthy pregnancy and I want to enjoy this time but lim finding it to be very difficult.

This question was asked Nov. 3, 2014 1:50am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by RedBetty - Nov. 4, 2014 10:27am
Hi Kaitlina.
I don't know if I am the best person to answer this question, having never had a mc or bo before but I just want to tell you to please enjoy the new life you have been gifted with. It might be hard, worrying about all the things that could go wrong but you just have to try and stay positive and believe that everything will be fine this time around. Worrying is not good for the little one and the best you can do is just to rest as much as you can, keep a healthy diet and lifestyle and pray for the best.
I pray your little bean sticks hun.

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