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Category: Expecting Multiples

Asked by RedBetty

Q: 9 weeks pregnant with twins but one sac looks empty

Hi everyone.
My sister is pregnant and went for her ultrasound today. She was placed at 9 weeks plus and 2 sacs were seen but while the baby in one sac looked okay, the other sac looked empty. She has not had even the slightest spotting or bleeding to indicate a loss so we really don't understand.
She has been told to come fr a repeat scan in 3 weeks.
Anyone has any idea what it could mean? We both don't have any experience with twins.

This question was asked Dec. 9, 2014 5:44pm
Category: Expecting Multiples

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Answered by RedBetty - Dec. 10, 2014 9:11am
Thank you so much ladies. Knowing there is an explanation for it makes it easier on us. We will wait for the u/s in 3 weeks and I just so much pray it is a hiding baby

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Answered by Emerald1 - Dec. 9, 2014 10:44pm
This called vanishing twin I went through this process one empty sac that got dissolve by my body and did had bleeding but was put on progesterone for the second baby and now everything is good. Baby is doing good .... Good luck to your sister and congrats

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Answered by Nunchuk - Dec. 9, 2014 9:43pm
It's possible the second twin was absorbed into the mother. It does happen, I am sorry if this is a loss. Hopefully the other twin pops up next time, so fingers crossed!

My previous pregnancy resulted in a missed miscarriage and my baby was absorbed. Sadly, it happens. It happens most often though when a twin passes but the other survives.

Another possibility is that the first baby never developed.

With having a viable twin still there, the body will just absorb the other that didn't form. This will be why your sister hasn't had bleeding if she really did suffer a loss. The body would naturally protect the current survivor, after all if it expelled the lost twin, it could also expell the survivor.

Hoping it's just a case of a hiding baby!

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