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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by mrsbeefy305

Q: Possibility of misdiagnosed blighted ovum at 9 wks? Advice needed.

This is my first pregnancy, and we had been TTC for just short of a year. I am 9 wks, and went in for my first ultrasound yesterday with DH and the worst happened. They only could see the empty sac on the ultrasound.

I am going in again next week to have another ultrasound to confirm, but my Dr. is already prepping me to do the D&C immediately after. I am just wondering what the chances are that there IS a baby in there. I would never forgive myself if I had the D&C only to find out that there was a fetus that they missed, and I have read stories online of other women who have found healthy babies at 12 weeks because they waited to have the D&C.

I don't know what to do. I want to move on, but part of me wants to be 100% sure. Should I let it happen naturally? How long should I wait? Should I get a second opinion? Please help. Not only am I devastated and grieving, I don't think I am in any state to be making such a serious decision without some concrete evidence, ri

This question was asked Jan. 9, 2015 2:08pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by brittanyadams - Sep. 20, 2021 6:21pm
I will only advice every other woman TRYING TO GET PREGNANT or having Fallopian tube issues, pcos and other infertility problem to do their research and don’t base your option only on anyone’s advise or medical report, I did and it resulted in waste of money and time. contact Priest Babaka via Facebook at priest.babaka he will help you because he has help me with his fertility/pregnancy spell prayers.. am so happy today to have my own child. He can also fix relationship/marriage issue, in case of getting your Lover/Ex back

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Answered by kimcraig277 - Sep. 23, 2018 12:12pm
I want to use this opportunity to thank this great woman called mother Iya for what she has done for me and my family, after trying for 5 years. This great woman has brought happiness and joy back again to me and my family. mother Iya has used her great herbal medicine to help me to get pregnant with her powerful ways and after 7 days of applying her herbs.This is more than words i can say, at first i didn't believe it but today it is so true and all thanks goes to her. i will advice every one out there that has a similar issue of not able to conceive, to try mother Iya herbal remedy to contact her. thank you mother and forever remain a blessing in my life. Contact her today on her email nativeiyabasira@yahoo.com and phone number +441133201124

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Answered by mrsbeefy305 - Jan. 22, 2015 6:17pm
Update: After 2nd transvaginal ultrasound a week later, sac is malformed and they noticed a cyst-like formation. They now suspect possible molar pregnancy. Beta HCG over 290,000. Performed D&C at 11 weeks on 1/15/15. Expecting my results from pathology 2/4/15 and hoping for a "normal" abnormal pregnancy, not molar. This past week has been rough emotionally and physically, and I hate not knowing what's going on with my body. But I am hoping for something good to happen soon, and to try to get pregnant again as soon as the doctor gives the green light.

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Answered by MalPal85 - Jan. 12, 2015 8:15pm
Just had this happen to me at 8 weeks, ~5 days on 1/7/15. Did ultrasound only to see the empty sac. It was/still is so devastating. I saw the ultrasound myself and there was absolutely nothing in there. They had me take the Misoprostol and, honestly, I just wanted it done and over with because I couldn't stop thinking about that empty sac. Hopefully everything works out for you and I'm sorry for your loss.

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Answered by caitlinadoyle - Jan. 12, 2015 4:24pm
I recently was in the same situation. I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum at 12 weeks and had a D&C a few days later because I didn't have the time to take off of work. I know that it hurts and the waiting just kills you! I had to go in for three ultrasounds before they would confirm anything! Make sure you or your doctor are not rushing to any conclusions. You would rather be safe than sorry!

The main thing I want to make sure you understand is that a D&C is VERY EXPENSIVE! This is something I wish I would have asked my doctor before deciding to go this route. Between the Anesthesia, Labs, Surgery and Recovery Room I think they billed my insurance $15,000! Now I am relatively healthy and rarely use my insurance so I ended up having to pay around $4500 out of pocket ($3000 deductible). Please contact your insurance company first and make sure it is not cost-prohibitive for you! If I could go back I would have requested the medication.

Good Luck! Thoughts and Prayers!

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Answered by estone - Jan. 10, 2015 7:24pm
If you know for sure you are 9 weeks, then the baby would be there. I agree with the others saying you should get blood drawn and have it repeated every couple days. A blighted ovum will still make your HCG increase, in some cases until 10-12 weeks, but eventually it will start to decrease. Hopefully they are wrong and you will see a baby next time.

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Answered by angelbabyolivia - Jan. 10, 2015 6:03am
I would get a second opinion, you never know.i went in for my 20 week scan only to find out my little girls heartbeat wasn't there due to a cord accident. I got a second opinion to be sure and she had passed a few days before my gender reveal scan. I think its always best to get a second opinion and then take it from there.

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Answered by KerriV2011 - Jan. 9, 2015 8:20pm
Back in April 2014 I had a blighted ovum. I was there for my 8 week u/s. They had me come back 10 days later so I was over 9 weeks. There was still no sign of a baby. They gave me a medication to start the process of a miscarriage. I didn't want a D&C as I had a friend that they scraped her walls too much and it was 8 months before she even had a regular period again to start TTC. It was very painful and extremely emotional when you see the sac. My DH and I were so devistated. We had a second in July but that one started on its own. We are now 12 weeks along and baby is ok. I would like to ask if you took any medications to help get pregnant. We were using clomid at the time for both. It can make your lining too thin to sustain the baby, therefore it does not grow. Once we got past those, I had another Dr. give me femara which worked on the second try and everything is going great. I know its really hard, but hang in there, never lose hope.

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Answered by stickybean1976 - Jan. 9, 2015 4:07pm
Hi there I haven't read all the other comments so what I say may have been said.
Sorry firstly. I've had 4 losses and 3 d&c surgeries within 12mths so very qualified to help you. I would have a follow up u/s. In a week to make sure there's nothing there. When there is an empty sac the baby hasn't formed you should not need a d&c there is nothing for them to remove. I would let it pass naturally. All my d&c have only been once there was a baby with a HB. It doesn't make it any easier but an empty sac is very common.
If you don't want to wait for the follow up u/s you can get a HCG blood draw then again 48 hrs later if the pregnancy is not viable levels will be dropping this way you'll know a lot sooner than 1-2 weeks.
It's never an easy thing to deal with, know you have support here. Take Care best of luck.

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Answered by mrsbeefy305 - Jan. 9, 2015 3:52pm
From Miami, FL. It was transvag ultrasound, they also took my blood but I do not have those results yet, it may take a couple of days. I think I am going to go in for the ultrasound next week, and if they still don't see anything then I will wait on the D&C. Schedule another ultrasound for two weeks after, and in the meantime get a second opinion with another Dr. office with a third ultrasound. If it is true, and there is no baby, then my body will take care of it and I will bleed. If not, I still want to have some hope until it becomes more obvious with blood results, multiple ultrasounds, etc. It may seem excessive, and it may turn out to be a miscarriage, but it's such an important decision and I want to be sure.

Thank you for all your advice. I still appreciate comments from anyone else who has gone through this or knows someone who has. This next week is going to be the longest of my entire life.

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