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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by monroezelda

Q: Anyone els get extreme thigh pain.

Hi I am only 11 weeks and past few days while walking up or down stairs or if I carry my 2 year old my both legs have been randomly going numb. This morning when I got out of bed I felt like I had swam 1000 miles, my thighs achE Really bad. I walked the shop an almost cried with the pain. They feel bruised to touch. Also I dnt have any pain in hips back or buttocks its jst the front of botb thighs. I dnt even know if its pregnancy related thats why am askin has anyone elS had this. The baby cnt even sit on my knee as kt kills :/

This question was asked Feb. 2, 2015 12:11pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by HzlGreenEyes - Feb. 4, 2015 5:57pm
Sounds like dehydration. Baby is not big enough to be sitting on a nerve just yet. Get some electrolytes in you and drink a lot of water... At least 1 liter (4 8oz. glasses) in the morning and in the afternoon. I have been dealing with dehydration this entire pregnancy and it is a royal pain in the ass... pun intended.

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