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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by Babybbumbleb

Q: Answers please...

Hello, I am new to this so excuse me if I get off on a bad start. I'm very nervous to ask questions but I appreiecte answers if I get any.. On March 23 I went in for a d&c I was 6w4d pregnant but our baby had no heart beat so I decided to have a d&c because I didn't want to miscarriage at home.. My husband and I had sex 3 days after the d&c and have been everyday since then because we badly want to have another child. I took a pregnancy test 2 weeks ago and it was faint but positive and last week took one and it was negative... My hcg levels were at 22, (we were hoping they would rise In 2 days) but they went down to 13... I'm very anxious and worried I've read horror stories online about so many things and we just badly want answers but I feel the doctors are saying 10 different things. Has this happened to anyone? Any answers is greatly welcomed

This question was asked Apr. 24, 2015 7:05am
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by Brandavir - Apr. 24, 2015 11:14pm
I had a miscarriage in january at 6w5d, and bled heavily for 10 days. I had to go for a checkup and ultrasound at 6 days, to make sure I did not require a D/C, which I didn't. However, my Hcg was still in the 50's at the time, and I did not have another "period" for 52 days! I actually took several tests to make sure I wasn't pregnant again.
Luckily, we were able to conceive again in march! Don't give up! Good luck to you!!

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Answered by Wishfulthinkingmommy - Apr. 24, 2015 5:16pm
I found out that I had a mc on June 4th 2014 (I was there for my 10 week check up and found out the baby stopped growing at 6 weeks) I went in on June 5th 2014 for a d&c I bleed from the 5th to the 18th my Husband and I had sex after I stopped bleeding and I was suppose to get my period 6-8 weeks after my d&c but I never got it so I took a test on July 20th 2014 and it came back positive I waited and tested again on July 27th 2014 and it came back positive again so I made an appointment and on August 1st 2014 I found out I was 6 weeks along... I never got checked to see if my levels went down after my d&c though but that's why I waited so long to test and that's why I took two test a week apart from each other to make sure it was really true

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Answered by Bumpin4Baby - Apr. 24, 2015 4:39pm
It takes a little while for the HCG levels to get back to 0. Your period won't start until then. If I remember correctly, it took 3 weeks for me to get a negative test after my M/C and I was 7 weeks, but the pregnancy stopped developing at 5w 3d. I hope this helps. Don't give up, there is always hope. We got our next BFP just after one cycle.

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Answered by Babybbumbleb - Apr. 24, 2015 7:07am
I also have not gotten my period

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