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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by Gillou1512

Q: Don't know our next move

Basically me n boyfriend been together 6 years and live together. This is our 3rd pg and 24 wks. Had 2 losses b4. Last year he cheated on me in Thailand when he went on a holiday when I was pg then we had a late loss. Brought us together after all the stress and hurt. Now I've found him paying little attention to me and caught him watching porn rather than asking me. I don't even get a cuddle or kiss unless I initiate it. He is really busy working and doing a flat up but he has the energy to do his thing but nothing with me. I really don't know if we are gonna last. I always said if someone cheated on me I would end it but I love him and we wanted to be together forever. Now I just feel a fool but im scared something will happen to the baby if we are not ok,just like last time. He's pissed at me for having a go at him and im pissed at him gor being a selfish git.

This question was asked Jun. 9, 2015 7:31am
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by BabyMcDonald2015 - Jun. 13, 2015 8:28am
It seems like its time to make an ultimatum, either he wants a relationship and to step up for you and the baby or not. Do you want to bring a child into a broken relationship? Go with your gut and don't put up with selfishness.

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