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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by kaylastar35

Q: How far along were you when you eye able to hear heart beat on a doppler?

How far along were you when you were able to hear the baby's heart beat on your home doppler? I'm 10 weeks so haven't found out clearly. I no it's soon but I'm curious

This question was asked Jul. 20, 2015 4:29pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by adiggs - Jul. 21, 2015 7:20pm
I forgot I am a week ahead of what I thought I was back when I was using my doppler.. So I guess I would have been 9 weeks 5 days. I used the 2 mhz probe.

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Answered by stickybean1976 - Jul. 21, 2015 6:00pm
10-11 weeks

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Answered by adiggs - Jul. 21, 2015 7:14pm
8w5days... but it was kind of hard to find.... it would take about 5 or 10 minutes even when I knew where to look.

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Answered by tmhess - Jul. 21, 2015 5:19pm
I was 9-10 weeks but it took me about 5-10 min of searching before I found it. That early on it was way down near my pubic hair line. You have to press in very hard and barely move the wand because the difference of a millimeter can be all it takes. I would press the wand down hard and then just barely tilt it around without lifting or sliding the wand.

Once you find it the first time, it becomes much easier to find it again. I think by 12 weeks I was finding it within seconds.

It also depends what MHz your probe is. There is debate about whether the 2 or 3 MHz probe will work better early on (about 8 weeks). The 2 MHz probe has a much more narrow beam and can penetrate a little deeper. The 3 MHz has a wider beam and is more shallow. There have been studies done showing the 2MHz wand is better very early on. Especially for women with a little extra padding. With that said, I used a 3MHz probe at 9-10 weeks and was fine. I have an extra inch or two down there. ;)

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Answered by estone - Jul. 20, 2015 8:03pm
I was able to find it around 9-10 weeks. When you are that early, you have to press a little harder by the pubic bone to be able to hear it.

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Answered by MalPal85 - Jul. 21, 2015 1:36pm
Also, I find now that when looking down my left side (below belly button) is slightly harder to the touch than my right and that is usually where I find it. Apparently he doesn't like hangin' on my right side.

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Answered by mcorinnes - Jul. 23, 2015 12:17am
I was 8 weeks 3 days. The heartbeat was sooooo hard to hear and soooo hard to find. It was by fluke that we did. I think it took us another week before we could begin to find it on a regular basis

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Answered by hereistohoping - Jul. 20, 2015 7:46pm
I was about 12 weeks. It took about 10 mins the first time and about 5 mins each time for a while after that. I would usually find him really low down on my hair line. If there is one side that seems to ache more than the other, try on that side. That would be where I could find him the quickest. Don't worry if you can't find the heartbeat. My ob warned me before my appt at 12 weeks that we may not hear it because it was early and it took the nurse a few mins to find it. She said that it can be difficult to find before 14 weeks

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Answered by MalPal85 - Jul. 21, 2015 1:29pm
It took me a while but I'm plus size. I hated it at first because I could only always find my own. I think it was around 12 weeks that I was finally able to find it. Now, at almost 18 weeks, I can find it almost immediately and it is the best thing ever!

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Answered by mnor0406 - Jul. 20, 2015 5:31pm
I personally didn't try with my home doppler until 13 weeks and was able to find it very low, like along my pubic hair line. Many ladies have found the hb sooner than that, even as early as 9 weeks for some who are experienced with home dopplers. You could hunt around now but don't get discouraged if you can't find it. Even at 13 weeks I sometimes had trouble if baby was positioned oddly. I would say look for 5 minutes or so and if you don't find it give up and try later in the day or another day. Start out with the doppler right below your belly button just above your hair line and move it in tiny slow circles to the right, if you don't find baby go back center and move in tiny circles to the left. Sometimes you may have to angle the wand to point under your pelvic bone and you may need to press a bit firmly. Baby's hb will sound like a fast galloping horse. If you find a slower swooshing noise that is the placenta and baby should be nearby.

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