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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by nohealanij808

Q: Miscarriage?

Got a bfp on Friday 10/16...On 10/20 started spotting...Got blood test on 21 then on 23...Doctor called and said my hcg levels decreased so I'm going to have a natural miscarriage. ..Been lightly spotting since the 16 but no cramps and no heavy bleeding...Was able to just use panty liners all this time..How long if I'm having a miscarriage do I have to wait to have heavy bleeding....I still have my pregnancy symptoms along with positive hpts....I have an appointment with my doctor on Wednesday...Has anyone experienced this and gone on with a successful pregnany or is it the end?

This question was asked Oct. 26, 2015 12:28am
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by babygear5 - Sep. 4, 2017 2:06pm
Miscarriage problem is very crucial problem. This is big protection to complete dream into reality. It is a dream of every woman to enjoy healthy baby gift in their life to achieve perfect mother target in life. Miscarriage problem is full of stress and depression. It is not childish act to handle this critical problem with professional way. I am here for you to understand your physical and mental stage at this time. It is golden opportunity for me to help you to handle this difficult situation with my own life experience to handle miscarriage problem with effectively.
This is not your fault. You can control yourself with some positive effective method. You should be very imaginative to understand yourself with your incomplete baby. You can imagine your baby name. It is the best idea to enhance your imagination power that they can turn into reality on your next delivery within just 2 and 3 months later.

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Answered by SherryKumar - Nov. 14, 2015 9:54am
some time it just caries I had 5 miscarriages all were different. mt first there was no warning just extreme bleeding and cramping and 2 weeks of the most horrendous pain. this last one I spotted for 3 weeks then one night I started the hemorrhage and bleed till i lost consciousness and bled so much i died 4 times.... just keep an eye on your body and listen to it... and don't be afraid to go to the docs

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Answered by Verily - Oct. 26, 2015 3:43pm
I'm am so sorry to hear that. I had a natural miscarriage about 11 months ago. You will continue to have positive HPTs and some symptoms for a while.

Mine was very quick. I had one day of spotting followed by 2-3 days of heavy bleeding with clots. But as PP said, everyone has a different experience. You can ask your doctor for pain medication in advance. Tylenol with codeine was enough to get me through the worst cramping and help me sleep.

On the unlikely chance you do not start to miscarry on your own, has your doctor given you a date to come back in? My cousin was supposed to miscarry on her own but ended up needing a D&C. Her doc gave her a timeline of like 7-10 days before he scheduled the procedure.

Again, I'm very sorry to hear you are going through this. Wishing you peace and comfort.

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Answered by stickybean1976 - Oct. 26, 2015 8:46am
So sorry for you. I've had many losses. I can tell you it shouldn't take too long for your body to expell with heavy bleeding seen as you have started spotting of course everyone is different and everyone's body handles a miscarriage differently. I'm so sorry you are going through this, it's not nice. Once your number fall and decrease that is most definitely the end of the pregnancy. The hardest thing is to not want to face what is happening and to hold out hope. I am very sorry, take care and take your time to heal. X

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