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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by FebBabyx

Q: Pregnant after 7 losses - please help.

Hi, I have a two year old daughter, in which I had a chemical miscarriage before falling pregnant with her. I began trying for number 2 in December 2013, managing to fall pregnant 6 times within January 2014 and December 2014, all losses were before 5 weeks so very very early.

I gave up trying for a while and decided a couple months back to try again, so I began my pregnancy vitamins and folic acid and got my positive test last week!! Right now I'm utterly petrified, I want nothing more than this baby to be healthy and happy.

Can anybody give me some hope? Any advice?

All welcomed, thank you. Xx

This question was asked Nov. 30, 2015 10:18am
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by babygear5 - Sep. 4, 2017 2:02pm
I want to salute you and your courage to share your experience at this online platform. Your success story inspire many women who are struggling to conceive and can become complete mother in their life like us. I have no word to appreciate your feeling and emotions. It is only God gift that brings brightness in our darkness life. I hope to share my experience to overcome this difficult situation in easy and effective way. If you are failing to conceive, it is not your fault. It is the God who is planning for you the best in class healthy baby gift for prosper future.
It is Medical Research report that positive thinking and strong will have very positive effect on your not only body but also mind. You should not lose hope. This is Medical Research based world. There is no disease that is incurable at that moment. You can easily defeat infertility problem in professional way.

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Answered by candychic577 - Dec. 3, 2015 3:15pm
I've had multiple losses as well so my OB did some blood work and found I had a clotting factor and folic acid deficiency. So I now must take a baby aspirin and 2400mcg of folic acid along with my prenatals.

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Answered by FebBabyx - Dec. 1, 2015 9:52pm
Thank you all for your lovely words - so glad you all have beautiful kids after difficult times. If you don't mind me asking - do any of you have answers as to why you had the miscarriages? Ericalee, were your 5 consecutive? What do you think made your little girl stick? Yes, I am a worrier, I hate this I just physically cannot wait to get past these next couple of weeks.. I get to see my little one on 22nd of December (If all goes well - please please!!)

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Answered by ericalee - Dec. 1, 2015 8:41pm
I had five miscarriages before my miracle baby was born on April 14th of this year if that helps you to have hope. I was absolutely terrified during my pregnancy with her, especially in the beginning since my losses are all early losses. But she is here and she is healthy!!! It's ok to be nervous. You are human and you are a mother.

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Answered by stickybean1976 - Nov. 30, 2015 8:13pm
I can give you hope. So firstly as long as you have the same husband/partner. My OB always said to me your biggest proof that you can do it is your first child. I had my first girl in 2007 we were only every going to have one. Years later I changed my mind. We stated trying again when I was 37.
I never new about miscarriage until it stated to happen. I lost 4 babies all within 12 months all after seeing heartbeats. I had to undergo many D&C surgeries to have them removed. Hardest year of my life. So my 6th pregnancy she stuck I've just had my second daughter this April she's 7 months old now. I can say now I wouldn't change a thing as without my angle babies I would not have her. I think I stayed strong as I made a promise to my eldest daughter that I would give her a sibling and I would never give up trying until I was to old. I'm now 40 with my 2 perfect girls. You will get your rainbow baby. Remember God always has a plan for everyone & everything. X

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Answered by pbc910 - Nov. 30, 2015 6:51pm
I haven't experienced loss but it did take me forever to finally get pregnant. I was a wreck the early weeks. I just tried to think positive and used each doctor appointment or ultrasound to help me feel better. Although I must say that when we found out we were expecting twins at 6 weeks, I somehow just knew it was going to be ok. I can't say I spent my entire pregnancy knowing it would all be ok. I was still nervous and anxious at every appointment, even at my last one, which was just several hours before I delivered.

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