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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by Mommybutterfly

Q: Anyone else feel completely unsupported

I'm very stressed out, my stress and my panic anxiety are causing contractions but I feel very unsupported in terms of my boyfriend. We are going on 6 kids now and he only gets $13.65 he doesn't want to find a better job or switch out of retail and expects me to go back to work a week or two after I have our daughter. I'm so stressed out we live in a really small house and since he works graveyard I'm in charge of the kids during the day and 3 are his from 3 different women. On top of coming home and taking care of kids I work full time at a call center and still have a slew of appts I have to go to cause I'm high risk. I'm really unhappy and I can't talk to him about it. Plus all but one of my friends has completely blown me off since I got pregnant and my friend lives 5 hours away.

This question was asked Dec. 3, 2015 5:32pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Dec. 3, 2015 9:59pm
I guess so. I just feel so alone. All these other women here have their husband or boyfriends with them for their ultrasound but I'm completely alone. I'm really upset and it makes me not even want to inform him of future appts because I don't want to be let down when he doesn't want to go.

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Answered by thomasanddawnxoxo - Dec. 3, 2015 9:27pm
He's probably stressed out too. Men deal with it differently. I'm sure he nay be feeling the pressure to provide for his family and when you try to discuss it with him it may make him think you are calling him inadequate... Not that you are but he might feel that way. Its a tough thing to deal with for a guy.

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Dec. 3, 2015 8:34pm
I've tried talking to him about it but all he did was tell at me and say all I care about it money. I've a follow up ultrasound today and he's not even going to that but he made all the appts for his youngest son when his ex wife was pregnant so it's just really upsetting to me.

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Answered by HzlGreenEyes - Dec. 3, 2015 6:53pm
It can be a stressful being pregnant and not getting the support you crave from your partner. Although, you feel like you can't talk to him about how you feel, you really should open up lines of communication with him to let him in on what is going on. You both have a huge responsibilities with the amount of children you have between the 2 of you, and I commend you on helping raise his children from previous relationships. It is not easy to live off of low wages, however, with team work you both can do it. We do the impossible to make things possible.

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