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Category: Baby Names

Asked by babbosbabymama

Q: Interracial Baby Names

DH is black (jamaican, Cherokee indian and african decent) and I am white (italian and german decent). I am having trouble thinking of names that speak of his white AND black herritage. I was looking up interracial names on the internet and got a lot of threads with people respoding to this question as if it is a illegitimate question bc there is "no such thing as a interracial name" and I honestly dont need to hear that. I do understand what they are saying but at the same time, im not thinking COLOR im thinking HERRITAGE. I would just like some suggestions that you could use for either a white or black baby, not something too white, like you most likely wouldnt call a white baby Shaqueta although I did go to school with a white Monique... I just want something that will kinda tie in both our families. I have come up with Leah, Maya and Gianna for a girl and Mason for a boy... any other suggestions? I really am having a hard time with the boy names mostly. Thanks!

This question was asked Feb. 18, 2012 3:50pm
Category: Baby Names

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Answered by Our1st - Apr. 3, 2012 11:51pm
Juanita is a good name...it is more on the Portuguese side of the Med, but would work I think. Though I'm not really familiar with many Jamaican names, I work with a woman from the Islands (Trinidad-Tabago) named Charmaine, I'm sure you could find a suitable Italian or German variant of the name.

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Answered by kawaimichiko - Feb. 29, 2012 10:37pm
Oh ya... suggestions... I do think Gianna is a beautiful name for a girl. Cordelia is also beautiful. Boys... you can't go wrong with biblical or Roman name since they tend to be strong names. Maybe mix the two and it will fit into your heritage catagory.

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Answered by kawaimichiko - Feb. 29, 2012 10:27pm
I'm a mutt of mix oriental (middle eastern included) on my mum side (her dad is straight up Japanese) and my dad is english/irish descent white 1st generation born in the US. Well they gave me a cool German name because I was born in Germany. My ex is black... I wanted to name DD Attila because I want her to be as fierce as her name. But to my dismay and objection we named her Ayanna Lamara. She is 8 now, she hated her beautiful name and wished I would have named her Attila instead lol. DS who is now 5 his name is Zion Edward. He's super proud of his name lol. I fought and won the battle of the name on that one because he was going to be named George the 3rd. I was not having that lol. I'm having my 3rd child and hubby is naming him Cameron Adair which I will not object to because this is his 1st. All I'm saying is Name them what you want just don't tell them what their name was supposed to be especially if it's a cooler name than their actual name :D

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Answered by a guest - Feb. 19, 2012 4:33pm
To the member who didnt disclose your name... u didnt read what i wrote. its not a racial issue... its a CULTURAL thing. Race and culture are two different things. Race is the color of a persn's skin and culture is a group of people with their own society and belifs. I want to combine the different cultures into one name. Its not black or white, its about finding a name that compliments his HERRITAGE. I would be asking the same question if my DH was sweedish and i was italiian... The color of the baby's skin is a factor only bc people like you make it a factor. Of course I am going to pick a name that he can be proud of that isnt "cute" until he reaches the age of 10... im not an uneducated person so i do KNOW the importance of a strong name which is why i ask this question. Also, I know how people think... They think COLOR... Prime example?....looking at you turning it into a racial thing, thinking about skin color... therfore, i dont want a "too white" or "

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Answered by a guest - Feb. 19, 2012 2:20pm
I have been on a number on interview committees for hiring staff and nobody pays attention to the name; education, work experience, skills -that's what matter. Once there was a boy with a very weird name which didn't look impressive at all on applications. It didn't stop him from great achievements in his career and succeeding later on in life. His name is Barack Hussein Obama.

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Answered by a member - Feb. 19, 2012 1:59am
Besides...no offense..but whats really a "black" name and a "white" name anyway. Why discriminate and choose a name based off of race?????????

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Answered by a member - Feb. 19, 2012 1:58am
How about just choosing a name the baby would be proud of when he's older than 10.... And something that sounds firm and smart on an employer application??? Thats the way we're looking at it.

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Answered by allioak - Feb. 18, 2012 7:45pm
Not sure best names, but my husband is Latino and I am an American Caucasian mix. I wanted the name to fit both cultures, so I went through all the Brazilian names and chose all the names that I felt could also be caucasion. We are going with Gabriella, but I also like Mariana, Priscilla, Camilla (girls), Lucas, and Leonardo (boys). I would suggest looking at the most popular names for his ethnicity, and then go from there. I found it easiest that way!

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Answered by esperanza - Feb. 18, 2012 6:42pm
I am expecting a biracial baby too. My husband is local black and I am from Eastern Europe. I wanted to name to girl Anna (like my Grandmother) but somehow I do feel that this name mostly white. So we came up with Joanna, my husband was very flattered since his name is John...yeah not really a black name :) As a middle name for a girl we will follow his family tradition - so the girl will be Joanna Mae. We absolutely stuck with the boy's name so probably we'll wait till gender u/s and then think again of boys names if it is a boy...
Good luck, it is nice to see another interracial babies here :)

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Answered by Stellar222 - Feb. 18, 2012 5:05pm
I'm having a girl and too wanted a racially neutral name. My hubs is African American. But don't overthink it. It'll just pop off a page and be the right name. We're going with Brielle Ann. For a boy we liked Aaron,Jason, and for a girl we liked Lauren, Jenna, Maria. Good luck.

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