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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by CaliAmber1985

Q: Doctors still can't tell me how far along I am.

I found out two weeks ago I was pregnant when I went for my yearly. I have had three ultrasounds. First was the day I found out I was pregnant and there was nothing on ultrasound. Then I had another a week ago and there was a visible sak but no yolk. Then I had another ultrasound today and still a sak but doctor wasn't even sure she seen a yolk. She keeps telling me I'm to early. I have had weird periods all my life. Never on time. Last period I believe was in October. So we can't even go by my last period. Now my question is, at what week does a sak usually appear and how long after until you see yolk. I'm not cramping and only spot after the ultrasounds. I do have all pregnancy symptoms. And I peed on a digital test 2 weeks ago and it said 2-3 weeks on it. Is it probably to early to see a yolk? Doctor keeps saying maybe I'm just barely pregnant and to not get upset yet. But I didn't like her at all. I'm just worried something bad will happen. I have two child already.

This question was asked Jan. 20, 2016 1:06am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by CaliAmber1985 - Jan. 20, 2016 2:50pm
Thanks y'all. That gives me some hope to hear you were 5 weeks 6 days with only sac. Did the pregnancy go well?

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Answered by PaperHeart - Jan. 20, 2016 6:55am
I'd guess you're <7 weeks pg right now. Most dr's who do early routine scans to determine gestation won't schedule it prior to 8 weeks because that's typically the soonest you'll be able to see a definitive baby and heartbeat. You could always do bloodwork to see if your hcg levels are rising in the meantime.

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Jan. 21, 2016 3:20am
Yeah I really hate early ultrasounds. They only reason they did mine was to make sure it wasn't an ectopic pregnancy.

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Jan. 20, 2016 3:26am
It honestly is too early to tell. It sounds like you about 5-6 weeks. I had an early ultrasound at 5 weeks 6 days and all they saw was the sac. It sounds normal do try not to stress.

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Answered by CaliAmber1985 - Jan. 24, 2016 10:29pm
Oh and when I wipe it's not every time I see blood. Mainly if I been up moving around really. Now I read about this subchroninic bleed. I wonder if that's what I have. All I know is I'm in no pain.

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Jan. 20, 2016 5:01pm
Yep I've got an almost 2 year old who measured the same when I went in with her for extremely bad cramping and I'm 29 weeks pregnant and baby when measured a month ago was estimated at the 65th% for growth.

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Answered by HzlGreenEyes - Jan. 20, 2016 4:42pm
I'm surprised that they haven't taken blood from you to check your HCG levels. Usually after 2,000 they should be able to see if it is a viable pregnancy on the US.

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Answered by CaliAmber1985 - Jan. 24, 2016 10:27pm
Hey y'all. I wound up in er again for some clots and found out I'm 6 weeks 1 day today. There was a yolk sac but no heartbeat yet. My cervix is closed but I have some spotting and a few clots. No pain at all. My hcg level for 5 weeks 6 days was in the 5,000 range. But in my ultrasound they said they seem a small bleed where placenta should eventually be. Said its a threatened miscarriage. But I'm not even needing a pad. I don't bleed on my panties. Only some when I wipe. I have a pic but don't wanna gross no one out. This little clot was smaller than a pencil eraser and it was just one. They told me not to stand for to long and I sex. I see my doc Wednesday. A new doctor. Now. 5 weeks 6 days should I have seen a heartbeat for sure?

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Answered by estone - Jan. 24, 2016 5:21pm
If you saw the sac on the ultrasound a week ago, you should be able to see the yolk sac now. Hopefully you are just early and will see the baby on the next ultrasound. It could also be a blighted ovum, where the sac develops and your body produces HCG, but there is no baby. Hoping for good news for you.

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Answered by CaliAmber1985 - Jan. 20, 2016 9:13pm
Yeah. They drew blood once two weeks ago. Haven't done it again to check. I don't understand. So I have a appt next Wednesday with a different doctor. Hopefully she can give me answers because this last doctor wasn't even confident while using the US machine. They shouldn't of done a ultrasound so soon it just brought me stress and worry ????

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