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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by ohyesslove

Q: Negative urine test, gestational sac present, pregnant?

Hello I am a student from the US in Spain and I definitely miss the healthcare system back home. I would like as much advice you can give me because the OBGYN i saw did not help at all.

5 weeks since my last period, testing negative urine, but had a transvaginal ultrasound where a gestational sac was shown. I have been having symptoms like low back pain and morning sickness but keep testing negative with my at home tests.

The doctor said to come back in two weeks to see if anything had changed, and if nothing has changed she will give me pills to make my period come but i feel like i could be pregnant with these symptoms i am having. She did not even order a blood test or anything. If i have a gestational sac do you think it is possible to see something within the next weeks? I would be about 5 weeks if it is that i am pregnant.

This question was asked Feb. 1, 2016 4:00pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by ShellyG - May. 6, 2018 9:48pm
I agree I would wait and find another OB. Pills before a blood draw? SMH. I am sorry but some of these female drs now a days have less empathy for others. I have had male drs that are more caring than some females. I definitely go see another OB if you can and wait it out for a bit. Especially if you want to be pregnant.

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Answered by Rockabump - Feb. 3, 2016 5:09am
Hi there! I would give it some time and see what happens. When you are really early....it's sometimes hard to tell what's going on. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was told at a 5 week u/s that the baby didn't develope and there was one KY half a yolk sac. I knew they were wrong. Instead of taking their advice.... I opted to give it some time and 9 months later, I had a baby girl....healthy as can be. Don't give up hope!

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Feb. 2, 2016 9:14pm
I'm not understanding why they didn't do a blood draw. Even at 5 weeks your urine can become too diluted to get a positive result. If I were you idgo to a different OB for a blood draw and for a follow up ultrasound.

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Answered by Hopeforchildren - Feb. 1, 2016 6:26pm
I would insist on an ultrasound at what would be the 6 week mark. My first ultrasound was 6 weeks 0 days and the heart was beating plain as day. That would confirm it, I think. Sometimes there isn't a visible beat until 7 weeks though. But I would insist on ruling it out by ultrasound before taking pills. What can it hurt to wait?

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