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Category: Expecting Multiples

Asked by pregnantwithtwinsxo

Q: How long were your preemie babies in newborn for?!

I know all babies grow differently, but I just want to see how long everyone's preemies were in newborn clothes and diapers for?
What size is preemie even??
I'm currently 31 weeks with twins and they are weighing 3.3 lbs. My OB is wanting me to deliver around 38 weeks. I don't know if they'll be preemies or not, I guess I'm just assuming since there twins :/

Any advise with all this?? Thanks everyone!!

This question was asked May. 24, 2016 4:46am
Category: Expecting Multiples

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Answered by Babybumpin2 - May. 25, 2016 9:35pm
We made the transition from preemie clothes to newborn at 3 weeks. She was in preemie diapers a little longer. Then we went to cloth diapers. Babies are all different. You could have one in preemie and one in newborn. She didn't need a lot of preemie clothes since we weren't going "out" and we did lots of skin to skin. Good luck with your last few weeks :)

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Answered by pbc910 - May. 25, 2016 3:57am
My twins were born at 37 weeks, 6lbs, 6oz and 5lbs, 12 oz and they were in newborn size upon leaving the hospital. I actually didn't have much in that size so I ended up going to Old Navy a couple days after we brought them home and they had sleepers that were in size "up tp 7 lbs" and they were in those for about 8 weeks. I didn't change their clothes or put them in many outfits until 10 weeks. I don't think we made the full transition to 0-3 months until they were almost 3 months. They were also in newborn size diapers for a long time. If you make it to 36/37 weeks, they'll consider your twins full term.

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Answered by mnor0406 - May. 24, 2016 10:15am
My fullterm baby, 39 weeks, was swimming in her newborn clothes and fit in preemie clothes the first 3 weeks or so. She was 7lbs2oz at birth and 6lbs12oz when we brought her home so she wasn't that tiny! Baby sizes are like women's jean sizes that vary from store to store and person to person. The number doesn't matter as much as the fit. Your twins could arrive and fit best in 3 month outfits while someone with just 1 baby will fit best in preemies. It's all relative. Also brands are different. Gerber runs really small, they were the only newborn clothes that fit my daughter at first but Carters brand runs big, my 11 month old still wears 6 month sizes. Just stock up on some preemie, newborn and 3 month stuff to cover all your bases and keep tags on them so you can return them if needed.

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Answered by Clairelou81 - May. 24, 2016 6:46am
They won't be premmies at 38 weeks, my 29 weekers were in prem clothes till about 36 weeks

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