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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by Love00

Q: Empty sac?? Worried

Hi everyone. I went in for my first uktrasoumd today. I.know that i ovulated exactly on sept 1st. Which makes me 6 weeks tomorrow. The uktrasound showed a sac only amd nothing in it. The tech kept saying that it is roo early to see anythong and that am showing 5 weeks. I know for sure ovulation wss on sept 1st. I know my body very well with ovulation. My ob said it is probably too early. He also said that there is always a chance isnt viable. Has anyone experienced this? He is redoing an ultrasound in a week.

This question was asked Sep. 28, 2016 8:03pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by dgdtstanley - Nov. 3, 2016 4:58pm
How are you doing I hope your appointment went good keep us updated

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Answered by Love00 - Oct. 4, 2016 6:26pm
I go back for an ultrasound on thursday

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Answered by lilbit85 - Oct. 1, 2016 6:39pm
Any update on you?

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Answered by Love00 - Sep. 30, 2016 6:45pm
Irivera how long was the gap before you went on monday?

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Answered by lrivera0927 - Sep. 30, 2016 5:30pm
You may be earlier than what you think. At 5 weeks and 2 days they couldnt see anything either for me. Told me it was too early. They had me come back that following monday, still nothing. It wasnt until I was a little after 6 weeks that we finally seen the baby.

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Answered by estone - Sep. 29, 2016 3:19am
With my son, I was sure that I ovulated when I did, but turns out that I actually did ovulate later and my body just geared up to ovulate and it was delayed for some reason. I had all the signs and symptoms of it...even if you ovulated when you say, it could have taken longer for the egg to fertilize...I'm sure you're just early. Hopefully there will be a HB on the next US.

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Answered by lilbit85 - Sep. 28, 2016 8:49pm
It really sounds like your just to early . Normally nothing can be seen until at least 6 weeks and that's with a trans vaginal ultrasound. I hope its just early for you, at 5 weeks my doc refused to do a US because she said there would be nothing and she didn't want me to get worried . Here is a page that says 6-7 weeks . It is on down the page.


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