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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by blpreen87

Q: Dropping

How long before going into labor do you normally start dropping? I am 34 weeks and 5 days and have definitely dropped and non stress test showed contractions even tho they weren't very strong or frequent I am now considered in the preterm risk so just want to know about how long delivery is from dropping normally.

This question was asked Apr. 20, 2017 11:43pm
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by andycooper5 - Sep. 2, 2017 12:19pm
I think first time mothers tend to drop is around 38 weeks, but it's not a justified science and earlier dropping doesn't always mean earlier delivery. I'm pretty sure that BH contractions are normal at the stage you are at, but they probably won't get regular or strong until you are close to things happening. I reckon you're fine for another 2 weeks, so try to see friends/ family, go to the cinema, read, sort out your house/ garden/ do some batch cooking etc. I wouldn't work now. Baby will come when they are ready. I'm guessing your baby might be borderline prem, coming at around 37 weeks, but that's just a guess. You are worrying way too much, and doing that on this stage of your pregnancy can be dangerous, big time! I would sugeest you to keep your calm, and stay happy. Your baby is just around the corner, he is well developed now, so try and talk with your baby. Instead of worrying, enjoy the last few weeks of your ride in pregnancy. It is a blessing, cherish it.

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Answered by andycooper5 - Aug. 24, 2017 10:15am
I think first time mothers tend to drop is around 38 weeks, but it's not a justified science and earlier dropping doesn't always mean earlier delivery. I'm pretty sure that BH contractions are normal at the stage you are at, but they probably won't get regular or strong until you are close to things happening. I reckon you're fine for another 2 weeks, so try to see friends/ family, go to the cinema, read, sort out your house/ garden/ do some batch cooking etc. I wouldn't work now. Baby will come when they are ready. I'm guessing your baby might be borderline prem, coming at around 37 weeks, but that's just a guess. You are worrying way too much, and doing that on this stage of your pregnancy can be dangerous, big time! I would sugeest you to keep your calm, and stay happy. Your baby is just around the corner, he is well developed now, so try and talk with your baby. Instead of worrying, enjoy the last few weeks of your ride in pregnancy. It is a blessing, cherish it.

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Answered by Mammoth - Apr. 25, 2017 9:24am
I think first time Mums tend to drop around 38 weeks, but it's not an exact science and earlier dropping doesn't always mean earlier delivery. I'm pretty sure that BH contractions are normal at the stage you are at, but they probably won't get regular or strong until you are close to things happening. I reckon you're fine for another 2 weeks, so try to see friends/ family, go to the cinema, read, sort out your house/ garden/ do some batch cooking etc. I wouldn't work now. Baby will come when they are ready. I'm guessing your baby might be borderline prem, coming at around 37 weeks, but that's just a guess.

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