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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by Hberry

Q: Pregnancy and bladder infection

Went to labor and delivery for preterm labor. Ended up the pressure I was having is from a bladder infection. Im just wondering if anyone has any tips and tricks to help get rid of the pain other then tylonel.

This question was asked Oct. 28, 2017 12:23pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by Loris201 - Jan. 22, 2018 9:00am
I also want to say. Maybe it's off topic. Today I read that they write badly about the clinic in Ukraine. This clinic is engaged in the treatment of infertility and surrogate motherhood. I understand that it is written by competitors who recommend their clinics.
I want to say that my sister applied to the clinic Biotexcom and received good consultations. Why in Ukraine? There services are cheaper than ours. There it is all legalized and there are no problems with the law. The staff speaks English and there is no language problem.
I understand that different people write at forums. Someone gives advice and writes the truth. Some write nonsense and get pleasure from it. Nobody checks the reliability of information. Therefore, we need to believe only good acquaintances and their recommendations.

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Answered by Loris201 - Jan. 22, 2018 8:58am
I also want to say. Maybe it's off topic. Today I read that they write badly about the clinic in Ukraine. This clinic is engaged in the treatment of infertility and surrogate motherhood. I understand that it is written by competitors who recommend their clinics.
I want to say that my sister applied to the clinic Biotexcom and received good consultations. Why in Ukraine? There services are cheaper than ours. There it is all legalized and there are no problems with the law. The staff speaks English and there is no language problem.
I understand that different people write at forums. Someone gives advice and writes the truth. Some write nonsense and get pleasure from it. Nobody checks the reliability of information. Therefore, we need to believe only good acquaintances and their recommendations.

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Answered by Loris201 - Jan. 22, 2018 8:57am
Hey. I understand that it's been a long time. Your question has already been decided. Why did not anyone want to give you advice? After all, infection is very serious.
This should be done by a doctor. These problems are very frequent in women. You need to drink those medicines that the doctor says. If you do not do anything, you can have kidney problems. Dangerous in pregnancy swelling and pressure drop
This is very painful and painful. The uterus presses on the bladder and this is also unpleasant. Dear girls, who else is useful. Take care of this place from infections. This disease is very bad and gives a lot of problems.

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