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Joined Nov. 1, 2013 6:23am

Heathernnsb29's Pregnancy

My Due Date: June 29, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 42 years old
Location: Gainesville , United States

My Site Activity
Last Logged In: Oct. 26, 2015 9:45am
Oct. 20, 2015 5:40pm » Posted a comment on RedBetty's Public Profile.
Forum Posts: 85
Questions & Answers:
Anonymous are not counted
Asked: 1
Answered: 15
Tags:  Multiple Miscarriages    Planned C-Section    Pregnant after Miscarriage    Pregnant in my 30s    Stay at Home Mom   

Profile Comments for Heathernnsb29 (14)

Comment from RedBetty » Posted Oct. 19, 2015 11:52am
Thanks hun, how's your lil woman doing?

Comment from stickybean1976 » Posted Jun. 27, 2015 3:20pm
How ya doing 3 days after ya Csection a tiny tiny bit more bareable with the pain. 11 weeks later I still am not 100% definitely takes time as you know, second one for you. Hope your little princess is doing well and you are healing. Take care look forward to more pics xx

Comment from Heathernnsb29 » Posted Jun. 24, 2015 1:54pm
Thank you ladies! Still feels like a dream. After all the ups and downs, years of trying and loosing many pregnancies to having a perfect baby is my arms is surreal. I'm so in love like never before. My story is proof that miracles happen and not to ever give up!

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Jun. 24, 2015 12:14pm

Comment from HzlGreenEyes » Posted Jun. 24, 2015 11:46am
Very exciting!! Congrats and Welcome to the World Kendall!!

Comment from RedBetty » Posted Jun. 24, 2015 4:30am
Congratulations, she is so cute. Wish you speedy recovery.

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