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Joined Sep. 2, 2011 3:08pm

JustAcurious1's Pregnancy

My Due Date: May 2, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old

My Site Activity
Last Logged In: Nov. 14, 2012 5:14pm
May. 7, 2012 6:36pm » Added a new baby photo.
Forum Posts: 1
Questions & Answers:
Anonymous are not counted
Asked: 0
Answered: 0
Tags:  3rd Pregnancy    Planning to Breastfeed    Pregnant in my 20s    Pregnant with a Boy    Stay at Home Mom   

About Me

I am a wife and a young mother of two, to a beautiful princess (6), and my handsome little prince (4). I just found that I am expecting #3, and yes he is definitely a boy...lol My husband and I couldn't be more excited :)

My Birth Plan

I have had a pain assisted birth, with an epidural and also I have had an all natural birth. This time around I just plan to go with the flow, and do as my baby and my body tells.

Profile Comments for JustAcurious1 (3)

Comment from JustAcurious1 » Posted Apr. 28, 2012 1:28pm
Thank You ladies! :-)

Comment from angelanna » Posted Apr. 28, 2012 9:41am
congratulations on ur baby boy he is cuteeee =]

Comment from Typhani26 » Posted Apr. 28, 2012 3:51am
Awwww Congrads !! He is so handsome and cute ;)

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