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Joined Mar. 31, 2014 2:52pm

aprilluvsmoz's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 23, 2019
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old
Location: Charlottesville, United States

My Site Activity
Last Logged In: 3 weeks ago
Mar. 5, 2019 7:28am » Posted a comment on journal entry "36w2d -- I am going to give birth to a toddler!".
Forum Posts: 43
Questions & Answers:
Anonymous are not counted
Asked: 22
Answered: 87
Tags:  5th Pregnancy    Gestational Hypertension    High Risk Pregnancy    Multiple Miscarriages    Planning to Breastfeed    Plus Size and Pregnant    Pregnant in my 20s    Pregnant with a Boy   

About Me

Hi I'm April and I am so excited to be back. I have one son Noah that was born November 24, 2014. Noah is the light of my life and the biggest blessing. Noah was my first true miracle after suffering 1CP, and 2 MMC. I found out today that I am expecting baby #2 I am praying for a healthy and happy nine months that ends with me bringing another miracle home.

Found out we are part of team blue again! What a blessing cant wait to meet my little man in January!

My Birth Plan

I would love to go pain free based on my complications with the epidural last time. But if the relief is needed I will take it.

Still trying to decide on alternative birth plans. I currently am under the care of a doctor but considering going with a midwife.

Profile Comments for aprilluvsmoz (3)

Comment from sonata85 » Posted Jan. 10, 2019 6:23pm
Congrats! Enjoy your new sweetheart :)

Comment from FlamingoGirl13 » Posted Jan. 9, 2019 3:41pm
Congratulations!! You made it so far with him! I hope the recovery and newborn snuggles are going well.

Comment from snolie14 » Posted Jun. 12, 2018 6:50pm
Congratulations, mama! Praying for a healthy 9 months!

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