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Joined Mar. 28, 2012 9:44am

Quartz3's Pregnancy

My Due Date: May 30, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: Canada

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Painting, painting, and some more painting
By Quartz3 » Posted Mar. 25, 2015 7:56am - 349 views - 1 comment

So the basement is finally finished and we've been working on painting it for about a week now! It's more complicated than expected when you have a little one to take care of.... so mostly we paint for an hour or two at night after he's gone to sleep and then during naps over the weekend. We should be all done this week though, except that it's not where the work ends. We have a sliding door to build, paint and install and shelving to install. Then of course we have to get all our stuff back in the basement, arrange it properly, and set up my boyfriend's office in his new space down there. We're also wanting to make a small play space for our son in our new family room so we can all spend time there after baby is born. Oh, and we also have the staircase walls to paint. And then obviously when we've moved the office downstairs we can finally rip out the current closet in what will be baby's room, install a new organization system and, of course, do some more painting.

All this work is making me a bit nervous as I am reaching 31 weeks and I was hoping to have the nursery done this month.

Other than that, I set up the appointment for the third and last ultrasound yesterday. It will be in three weeks. Ultrasounds always make me nervous, but I'm hoping to get some more reassurance that this baby is indeed healthy.

We're still having trouble picking out a name (we suck with boys' names!)... I like names that are more "modern", and my boyfriend like older names, so it's no wonder we can't agree. I'm actually starting to wonder how we ever agreed on a name for our son!

Also, my fundal height, which was 28 at 24 weeks, seems to have returned to normal - it was 30 at 28 weeks and 31 yesterday, at 30 weeks. I was scared of GD for a little while, but I did the test and everything was fine. My doctor also confirmed baby is still head down, so I think this is it, he will stay this way until delivery.

Speaking of delivery, I have decided to give birth on May 20! lol
With my son I accepted a membrane sweep at 38 weeks and the contractions started 11 hours later.... I'm going for the same process this time! I have my 38-week appointmentin the morning on May 20 and will be having another membrane sweep, in the hope that it works equally well the second time!

In the meantime though.... painting!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from cosmoholic » Posted Mar. 25, 2015 10:15am
Sounds like you are being very ambitious with the renos! Hopefully you have friends or family that might be willing to pitch in and help... even if it's just watching your son while you and your bf try to finish up some things! Good luck!

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