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Randall0123's Pregnancy

My Due Date: I suffered a pregnancy loss

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My Journal - Page 2

7 Weeks!
By Randall0123 » Posted May. 28, 2015 9:12am - 817 views - 15 comments

Wow can't believe our little Randall is already the size of a blueberry! :)

I haven't really been in the mood which is odd for me, normally hubby and I are like rabbits. But I just don't feel 100%. I am sure I will get back in the swing of things soon. ;)

Bloating comes and goes. Felt a little sick, but it seems to be if I don't eat. So I am snacking a lot, really can't eat huge meals without feeling like I could pop the buttons on my pants from the bloat. :) Boobs still sore but I have almost gotten use to it. Oh and probably the "worse" part is my sense of smell. I can smell things I wish I couldn't I commute on the train to and from work and might have to just drive because either everyone in VA stinks or I just have a bloodhound nose. :) LOL!

Other than that I feel totally fine. I told hubby the other day that I will handle and gladly take any pregnancy symptom. After the long road every cramp and B/O smell is worth our little Randall.

Two more weeks until our first appointment. Getting excited about that. I have been looking online for what to expect. Any advice from the moms who have already gone through this? I will be 9 weeks the day we go.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Summer0120 » Posted May. 28, 2015 3:03pm
Yes! That would be a very good question to ask ahead of time, because at this time it would probably be a transvaginal ultrasound and you'll have to have a very full bladder. I was instructed to drink 25oz of fluid an hour before my appointment just for the ultrasound, so you'll definitely want to be prepared! :)

Comment from Randall0123 » Posted May. 28, 2015 2:33pm
Oh yeah there is nothing like getting a nice Swag Bag! ;) Thank you ladies for the advice. I think I might contact my doctor to see if we will be doing an U/S I want to have one so I hope they will.

Comment from MalPal85 » Posted May. 28, 2015 1:30pm
Hurray for 7 weeks! I had a 6w2d ultrasound before my "regular" appointment due to a past miscarriage but for my regular appointment (8w2d) they did a regular pap smear on me and then I went to a lab and got what seemed to be a gallon of blood drawn. I'm sure they will ask all of your family history too but they already had mine. Also, you will probably get a booklet of do's and dont's with a TON of info. My coworker got a bag of free stuff but I haven't seen that yet from my Doctor. I'm really hoping for free stuff though, haha.

Comment from Kitten90 » Posted May. 28, 2015 10:10am
Depends on a lot of things. My doctor's office likes to do the intake appointment first, where they ask you a million questions and give you a slip to go get lab work done. They will need a urine sample, (which you will likely have to do every appointment from here on out lol). Then they have an ultrasound scheduled in the same week. All offices have different procedures though as some draw your blood and do U/S right in their office.

Comment from pbc910 » Posted May. 28, 2015 9:30am
Yay 7 weeks!

You can expect to to get blood drawn, give a urine sample and if you are "lucky" like me, they will make you do a 24 hour urine collection. I also had a pelvic and breast exam. They tested me for STDs, HIV, Hepatitis, drugs, blood count, blood type, and some other things I can't remember. Nothing out of the ordinary.

You can expect to go over your family medical history so now is a good time to see if you or your husband has any history of genetic disorders primarily as that is what they really want. But they will ask too about any other medical issues, like a family history of cancer, heart disease - just anything that could affect the little one.

The entire appointment just felt like an initial visit with a primary care doctor combined with a gynecologist all lumped together. It really didn't take as long I thought but I also didn't have any questions or concerns at that time.

Comment from Randall0123 » Posted May. 28, 2015 9:25am
Yikes, well that will be fun. I am from a huge family and Mark is one of 8 kids. Can't wait! LOL!

Comment from Summer0120 » Posted May. 28, 2015 9:18am
I know the only thing I wasn't fully prepared for when I had my oldest daughter was the family medical history for my husband's side. You'll want full health history information from your family and his before your first appointment. :)

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