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HzlGreenEyes's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 5, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old
Location: New Jersey, United States

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Male or Female by HCG hormones 3 weeks after conception...
By HzlGreenEyes » Posted Jul. 14, 2015 2:36pm - 529 views - 12 comments

This is an interesting topic to me. I think back to when I found out I was pregnant with my 1st son and how late I got a BFP... I was 19dpo. I found that out by a dating scan done at 10 weeks with him because I never had regular periods at that time. I never knew my HCG levels then but getting a late BFP makes me understand my levels were low with him.
My last pregnancy, my levels were in the normal levels for HCG but never on the higher side. It was a boy.
This time around my levels started on the lower end of normal levels which makes me feel like it is another boy. Selfishly I would like to have another boy for my Son and of course would be thrilled if it is a girl. Either way I will be ecstatic because life is truly a miracle! Here is one of the few articles I found on this topic: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/differences-between-boys/
Interesting topic!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from proudmamaerica » Posted Jul. 22, 2015 3:11pm
I didn't find out till 4 days after I missed my period with my first (girl). But that's because I was in denial lol. My HCG was high with her but that's because there were 2 (vanishing twin.) With my second (also girl) I was 12dpo with low hcg. This one I was 10dpo and hcg has been normal, not high end though. So I'll be interested to see.. though I've got a very long wait since we're not finding out. :p

Comment from luckyrobin » Posted Jul. 16, 2015 6:04pm
That is really interesting. I have been curious too bc my levels are much higher than they were with my last pregnancy. Guessing a girl. Thanks for passing on the info! X

Comment from eat2nourish » Posted Jul. 15, 2015 10:02am
Interesting article. I think I'm having a boy...or a girl...but probably a boy...omg...I have no idea! Lol. We'll see. Let's see if your Harmony test shows another boy for you!

Comment from HzlGreenEyes » Posted Jul. 15, 2015 9:18am
They also say mother's intuition is up there on telling the sex as well. Last time though I thought I was having a girl, I dreamt I was having a boy so when I told my DH I dreamt it was boy, he had me convinced it was a girl... low and behold my Dream was right and it was a boy. I had a dream about a week ago I was BF my baby... I saw a face but he/she was wrapped in neutral white/tan colors so I couldn't figure it out... I'll know soon enough! Science is just awesome so reading scientific research on Pregnancy and Hormone levels got me hooked. I also believe the baby's skull can show you the sex as well. Forensics can tell whether a skull found is male or female if remains are found, right? It is the same theory when in utero!
This study was only conducted on mother's with singletons and not multiples because your hormone levels will be high if there is more than 1, but not all the time! I knew I should have been a chemist.

Comment from ch3rrypie11 » Posted Jul. 15, 2015 9:00am
I checked back to see my levels as well...I got my bfp at 11dpo and my levels have been pretty normal..nothing too low or high. I am having the Panarama test done on Friday and will find out 10 days after so we shall see! However...if we go on gut instincts and maybe dreams we have...I have a strong feeling this one is a boy!

Comment from MalPal85 » Posted Jul. 15, 2015 8:08am
This is interesting. I got my first faint positive on 9dpo but was absolutely sure on 11dpo. My level didn't quite double in the 48 hours though so who knows. Hoping to find out today if baby cooperates!

Comment from josamarie » Posted Jul. 14, 2015 10:56pm
Interesting! My starting number with my son was absurdly low, but was pretty standard later on. This pregnancy they've been ridicuously high, but turns out that was because of a vanishing twin. Interesting thought though!

Comment from Julia01 » Posted Jul. 14, 2015 8:27pm
this is interesting, I got my first bfp at 9 dpo and then got the 3+weeks on digital at 18 dpo . I how ever didn't ever get my levels checked but I am having girl :)

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