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HzlGreenEyes's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 5, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old
Location: New Jersey, United States

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My Journal

By HzlGreenEyes » Posted Dec. 28, 2015 10:39am - 766 views - 9 comments

I had my appointment with the High Risk doc today. Of course, as always my mind associates an ultrasound with a tragic end and again it has proved itself to continue. The tech is really quick at looking at everything from the kidneys, stomach, brain... all I wanted to see at the beginning was the flickering of his heart. I need that to start out with just to keep calm. Heart rate was 159 bpm! Whew. Ok! Now is he gaining weight? Yes... he is measuring to be 4 lb 10 oz. That is AWESOME!!!! So relieved!!! But then...

The Doc walked in to go over the results with me. He said all looks well, however, he wants to show us 1 thing. 1 Thing?? What is the 1 thing??? I'm trying to clean the goop off my belly while still trying to listen to this Doc with an accent who stops frequently from talking to say, "Ok". Come ON... He shows me the screen with the numbers of measurements to say the baby is only off by 2 days. Are You Serious?? 2 days??? Hi, yeah... you got me worked up to telling me there is this "1 Thing"? Get the fuck out of here (In my Jersey Accent). I felt like I was going to pass out by the delay after saying "1 Thing". Again, this doc did not look over my chart so he told me he wants me to come one more time at 37 weeks. I told him that I have at least 3 more scheduled before the baby comes because of having a stillborn. Apparently he forgot... shocker. Then he went on to say, "Depending on the progress of his growth at the next scan, he is going to request that we let nature takes it course with labor." I said, " That is not the plan. The plan is that at 39 weeks I will be induced, which is scheduled already for February 5th." He smiled and said, "Ok". I then went on tell him that we did our 1st non-stress test last Wednesday at 32 weeks and that the baby was very active. He turned to me and said He usually does it at 36 weeks and after... I reminded him of the plan his Partner, Dr. Canterino put together for my situation and it states to start non-stress tests at 32 weeks. I rather stay with the plan to get through this, and moving forward this is how I feel comfortable. He reluctantly agreed to stay with the plan. Seriously, if my Hubby wasn't with me, I would have passed out from the stress of this guy. Even my husband who doesn't get stressed out was stressed with this Doc. We have been through enough... I am sticking to our plan jackass.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from josamarie » Posted Jan. 4, 2016 7:52am
Argh, this makes me so angry for you! I had a similar thing happen at the end of the second tri with Max and it made so angry we ultimately switched insurance to get away from the pain in the butt doctor and how u comfortable her meddling with my plan made me. good for you for keeping a cool head!

Comment from ericalee » Posted Dec. 29, 2015 9:33am
I'm not sure how you didn't lose your cool. I quite possibly would have had a panic attack!! I also HATE when docs don't read the chart!! I have to have quite a few ultrasounds with pregnancy too because of my history and it is so annoying when they question why you're there and why you're coming again so soon. You're getting so close. I can't wait to see your birth announcement!!

Comment from HzlGreenEyes » Posted Dec. 29, 2015 8:38am
Thank You Ladies! I told myself this time I was sticking to my guns whether or not the baby was doing well. Thank GOD he is doing Great!!! But yeah, I am still shocked that a Specialists doesn't do me the favor and know my chart before he starts spewing out his own opinion. My Ob/GYN actually has followed the schedule verbatim and have continued to help put my mind at ease. Just glad that I can see the finish line.

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Dec. 29, 2015 2:18am
I agree with Amanda! Glad to hear the little one is doing well but jeez that doctor would have driven me over the edge!

Comment from tcinks » Posted Dec. 28, 2015 6:41pm
So glad baby is doing well! You're almost there :)

Doctors can be very frustrating sometimes. Good for you for insisting on sticking to your plan and not letting him bully you. I feel like we really need to have more say in what goes on during our pregnancy!

Comment from Amanda_McDaniel » Posted Dec. 28, 2015 3:32pm
Gees, girl, I'm impressed you didn't just throat punch him. I hate doctors who don't put in the extra five minutes to scan the chart before entering the room. *Sigh* Stand your ground and do what is best for you and your little one. You're doing great.

Comment from Basia30 » Posted Dec. 28, 2015 12:27pm
One thing? What ??? That was just stupid - off my 2 days is nothing it is not even a THING. Glad baby is doing well :D

Comment from Summer0120 » Posted Dec. 28, 2015 11:41am
WOOOOOOWWWWW! I don't even know what to say. You are stronger than I am. I would have completely flipped out. He didn't even read your chart, tried to confuse you, had no idea what was going on... that's so unprofessional. Especially with something as serious and sensitive as having a child. Ugh! Way to hang in there though and set him straight. Glad everything is going well!

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