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sunshinebear711's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 15, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 43 years old

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Sick day and vacation planning
By sunshinebear711 » Posted Feb. 5, 2016 10:51am - 212 views - 2 comments

Used one of my precious days that I am saving in my sick bank since I was up most of the night coughing and hugging the toilet. Good thing too. I moved back from the recliner to bed when DH got up to go to work and slept for another 2 hours. Then, from 7:15 until around 10 I was running to the bathroom at least once an hour after coughing up marble sized wads of mucus... and then gagging over that. Add to that, every 30 minutes if I didn't go to the bathroom I would also pee a little when I coughed.

I finally got out a pad because I'm sick of having to change my pants.

Anyway... 3 year old DD is at her grandmother's house and I am curled up on the couch under a blanket, with the heat turned up and just dozing on and off. Also indulging in my favorite sick day past time: The Price is Right.

Looking over things for our mini-Super Bowl party for the weekend. I'm thinking of getting a couple frozen pizzas (cause delivery places will be SO busy on Sunday), and stuff for a big salad, and some chips and then maybe make brownies and get some ice cream for sundaes.

If I'm feeling up to it later, I'm going to go about starting to pack for our trip to Florida. DD is pretty much packed. DH is pretty much packed. All I have to do is worry about myself and have DH look in his suitcase and double check it has everything he wants. DD has her things packed into a rolling carry-on. She is super thrilled that she is going to the beach, and we are trying to let her know now that she is staying an extra week with the "memas" (MIL, my mom, and my aunt) while DH and I return home for work. She's just excited because I told her we could do the beach and have ice cream every day. :-)

Hoping I get my Panorama results before we leave!!! I'm planning on making our "big announcement" on social medial just by changing my cover photo to one of all our sandals in a line on the beach. I found a pair of teeny newborn sandals for $3 on Amazon... so why not? I can even reveal the gender if the test results come in. But really, I'm just excited for some warmer weather and not having to be in a sweatshirt, thick socks, and under a blanket when hanging around the house.... as I have been since becoming pregnant.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from stephc2010 » Posted Feb. 5, 2016 12:52pm
Hope you feel better! :)

Comment from Hopeforchildren » Posted Feb. 5, 2016 12:39pm
Enjoy the sick day! You deserve it!

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