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ellsbells71's Pregnancy

My Due Date: I suffered a pregnancy loss

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Early scan ? 6 weeks
By ellsbells71 » Posted May. 12, 2016 5:56am - 534 views - 6 comments

Well I got myself so worked up I was crying before I got in there. The sonographer did the scan and was taking ages so I started crying again, and this is where the problems occur. There is a yolk sac and what seems to be some fetus tissue no heart beat seen but they recon that the size is only that of around 5 weeks. I now have another 2 weeks anxiously waiting for another scan to confirm if this pregnancy is viable. At the moment I feel my hopes are dashed. I shall update my journal when I know something solidly. But I don't think things are looking good. I'm bracing myself for them to say this one's not made it either.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from scuba.chick » Posted May. 18, 2016 7:13am
Hey, i also had my first early scan last week at 5 weeks 2 days to rule out an ectopic and they saw the gestational sac and embryo in the uterus but no heartbeat. I am going back next Thursday for another scan. From my forum friends the heartbeat doesn't usually start till about 7+ weeks so don't feel disheartened yet xx

Comment from ellsbells71 » Posted May. 16, 2016 2:59pm
Thank you, im trying to be positive and keeping everything crossed. I am just relating this to my previous losses as I lost my pregnancy symptoms with both but held onto the pregnancies. Xx

Comment from Babybumpin2 » Posted May. 16, 2016 2:53pm
Hey if the baby is measuring 5 weeks you could have implanted later than thought and this would be very normal. Wishing you the best! At my appt we thought the baby would be 7 weeks but baby only measured 6 weeks. My dr said I ovulated late because I'm breastfeeding. We didn't hear the heart beat. At the 8 week appt all was good. Don't lose hope ellsbells!!

Comment from stickybean1976 » Posted May. 13, 2016 7:14am
Don't give up I'm 40 and I had 4 losses in between my girls and all after seeing heartbeats and had my rainbow last year. Don't worry about your age. You'll get there x

Comment from ellsbells71 » Posted May. 13, 2016 12:43am
Thank you for your kind words. I am hoping and praying everything will be ok but I do have my doubts that it will be viable. All my pregnancy symptoms have disappeared and with my age and my last 2 pregnancies ending the same I am just loosing a little faith and hope. I do hope and pray with all my heart that things turn out well. Here's to wishing the next 2 weeks away. Xx

Comment from stickybean1976 » Posted May. 12, 2016 11:57pm
Hey sweet. Sorry your going through this. This is why very early scans can be hard. Even the difference of 2-3 days can make 100% difference. If your still only measuring in the 5 week range this is completely normal. I've had 6 pregnancies 2 children and a million scan due to my history so I know a lot about scans. Please don't feel this way at this early stage. There is every chance when you go back you'll have a healthy baby growing with a heartbeat. If you feel you can't make it through the next 2 weeks. Demand your doctor continues to draw your HCG levels just to ensure they are still rising at least that would give you some answers. Wishing you all the best. It is very hard. Take Care try not to stress not good for you or little nut brown. X

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