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sunshinebear711's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 15, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 43 years old

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My Journal

Gestational diabetes
By sunshinebear711 » Posted Jun. 28, 2016 6:08pm - 253 views - 1 comment

I'm really annoyed with GD. I had a freaking fantastic week last week.... and then I go to the nutritionist and she has me change things and it is like I am starting over at square one.

I've been good, and all I want tonight is some fruit, but I can't because dinner number was too high and I don't want to chance my fasting number to shoot up again, because it has been high the last two days since she wanted me to add more carbs to my nighttime snack.

I want to cry. This is so hard for me. I can't figure out any correlation between what I eat and my numbers. I got told I'm supposed to have more calories because I lost 3 lbs since my last appointment, well yeah. I cut carbs down. How am I supposed to keep the carbs down and out on pounds if any eat most "good" grains because I have Celiac's???? I'm just so frustrated and all I ant is a freaking hot fudge sundae.

Level 2 ultrasound yesterday, he's already righting 5lbs 11 oz. So it looks like I'll either be induced early or they will schedule a C section, both of which I am not happy about.

This pregnancy has just been so hard and not nearly as "magical" as my first one. I just want to be done.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Angela18 » Posted Jun. 29, 2016 6:15am
So sorry for your frustration and in ways, I really understand. I haven't been diagnosed with GD but I understand the dietary issue and I get the frustration that comes along with it. Although we do ours because if we don't, my son starts grinding his teeth, has insomnia and becomes angry and tries to destroy my house, etc. sometimes you just want to eat like other human beings and not have to worry about every freaking thing you put in your mouth. We all abide by these dietary changes because we want to avoid another with autism and we feel the better on it. 2nd pregnancies are never as magical as first but that's ok although it can be a bit of a let down. Try to focus on the positive if you can. I haven't had to have a C-section, but it was a kick in the crotch for us at 24 years old finding out our first was gonna have Down Syndrome. Sometimes the cards we get dealt are not what we want but we do the best we can with it. Once your LO is here, it will be special again. Xoxo

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