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aprilluvsmoz's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 23, 2019
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old
Location: Charlottesville, United States

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My Journal

Halfway there!!!
By aprilluvsmoz » Posted Sep. 5, 2018 5:18pm - 372 views - 0 comments

I am so happy to finally be able to say that. This is one of those milestones you wait to hit each pregnancy. Only 4 more weeks to viability. This pregnancy has truly been a pleasant surprise. I've dealt with some pretty bad sickness for a few weeks but feeling pretty good now. The only thing that I have consistently been dealing with is pain! Pain in my hips, back, legs everything in the lower half. This past weekend I was having some pretty bad cramps that felt like day two of my period. I drank water and relaxed and the pains continued for three days. Well today I went to an imaging center for them to do a cervix check and luckily my cervix measured 5.22, when they usually are just looking for anything 2.5 and above. The baby is doing well, his heartbeat was 160. The doctor came to the conclusion that the source of my pain was most likely caused by two things 1) my Braxton hicks have officially began 2) the baby is transverse, his head is at my right hip, feet at my left hip and his bottom resting right above my cervix. I've been feeling consistent movements which is reassuring, him being transverse could also explain the nudges rather than the full kicks I would expect to get. I still cant believe that I am pregnant with this little miracle. After three losses I was just hoping to bring home one baby which I did, but now at the possibility of bringing home 2, how wonderful is that. Well, 140 days and counting.....

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