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aprilluvsmoz's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 23, 2019
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old
Location: Charlottesville, United States

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Diagnosed with gestational hypertension again.....
By aprilluvsmoz » Posted Nov. 7, 2018 2:12pm - 411 views - 2 comments

So yesterday went in for my 29 week visit and my blood pressure was high 155/89. I wasn't surprised it was that high considering I've been filling like crap the last two weeks, just not feeling like myself. My feet have been extremely swollen, headaches and nausea. The doctor said I was definitely now showing high levels of protein in my urine. The doctor asked me about how my hypertension was controlled with my son and I let her know they monitored it and induced me a week early. My doctor said that I most definitely will not make it to 39 weeks, she said she would be happy if I made it to 34 if I was developing issues already. Immediately my panic set in, a baby in the NICU, my health in jeopardy and his. I didn't really start having levels this high with Noah until I was 36 weeks. I was sent immediately from the doctors appointment to Labor and Delivery for monitoring. I got there and they traced Brayden's heartrate which was great. The nurses drew labs to check my levels to see if I had developed preeclampsia. My labs came back and again my protein levels were elevated but I hadn't developed preeclampsia. So the doctor that was on call came in and told me that he wants to hold off on putting me on blood pressure medicine because at this point he believes it would do more damage then good. The doctor told me that I have an elevated blood pressure and that we will continue to monitor it and hopefully let me go as long as possible in pregnancy but to anticipate around 36 weeks for delivery. I feel kinda down about all of this, its like my body cant handle the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. My bp has been good up until this point and is good when I am not pregnant. I am just at a loss....

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from monika123 » Posted Nov. 9, 2018 9:58pm
You must be extremely tensed. Just stay positive! I know this can be extremely stressful but it can worsen the case. I would suggest that you control your diet and intake food that is good at controlling your bp. Good luck to you. Don't let negativity strike your way. Yoga helps release anxiety I would suggest that you start doing that. Best of luck to you.

Comment from FlamingoGirl13 » Posted Nov. 7, 2018 3:25pm
I'm sorry hun. If you had it the first time with your son there was a high chance you would have it again. It looks like all your DRs are on top of it and will do everything they can for you and baby to remain healthy. Will you go in for non stress tests now? I know it's a huge bummer but make sure you take care of yourself and just know your little one will be with you soon. <3

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