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Joined Mar. 31, 2014 2:52pm

aprilluvsmoz's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 23, 2019
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old
Location: Charlottesville, United States

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My Journal

35 Weeks/ L& D visit after fall/ Induction Set
By aprilluvsmoz » Posted Dec. 19, 2018 4:40pm - 428 views - 1 comment

I made it to 35 weeks! This is a milestone considering they were just hoping to make it to 34 with the medical issues I've been dealing with. Its been an interesting past couple of weeks. With weekly NST's, bi weekly BPP,3 L&D triage visits. I am so happy to say that Brayden is healthy and we are nearing the end. I've been dealing with gestational hypertension and have had my dosage of labetalol increased twice now. I am so ready for Brayden to be here healthy and me to feel like myself again. On top of all that I fell yesterday! I know you are not supposed to lift your children beyond a certain point but it is kind of hard with a toddler. Last night my son fell asleep in the car, I wanted to carry him into the house because he was still drowsy. I am walking up the stairs and plop we both fall down. Of course this is problematic being pregnant and my doctor said that in all instances of falling while pregnant they require monitoring. So after checking to make sure Noah was okay I headed up to L& D and was there for 5 hours because they require 4 hours of just fetal monitoring. I am happy to say Brayden is fine, labs were normal and the placenta didn't have any damage. I had my weekly scheduled visit and NST today so they did monitoring again and he passed the test and everything still looked fine. My doctor has officially set my induction date for Jan 4th. I will be 37 weeks and 2 days. That is right around the corner! With my blood pressure issues and being on meds they feel like this is the best route to go. I am officially on the countdown to baby # 2 I am so excited for my journey to come.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from FlamingoGirl13 » Posted Dec. 20, 2018 4:21pm
I'm glad to hear everything is good after your fall. That must have been scary! I worry about falling too, since everything is so icy now. Your Induction date is so soon!

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