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Joined Oct. 23, 2011 11:43am

autumn7's Pregnancy

My Due Date: June 18, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 39 years old

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My Journal

stressful time ahead
By autumn7 » Posted Mar. 19, 2012 1:44am - 236 views - 2 comments

I was so happy last week. Felt my pregnancy was going well. Of course there was a few hicps, but it was ok to handle. Friday I started bleeding badly and was admitted to hospital. Seems my placenta didnt lift and I still have placenta previa.

It was scary to hear the doctor explain that I would most likely not go full term and that my little boy will need to come out earlier. I dont even care about the complications for me, I just want him to stay in his safe home for as long as possible!

I was so scared when the doctor told me that even though I am 25 weeks, my little guy doesnt stand a chance yet. So he told me that we will aim for 28 weeks. If there is not distress and no bleeding we will go for 30 and then 32 and then 34. He said I will most likely have a c-sectionat around 34 weeks.

I am still praying so hard that the placenta does lift somehow and that I dont bleed again so that I can carry him at least to 36 weeks.

I have to be strong for everyone and pretend that I am not stressed so that they don't get all freaked out, but inside I am so scared and sad. Feels like my body is letting my son down. My husband took the news bad. I could see that he was not happy with the idea of premature baby and is so scared.

Please little man, stay in there please!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from autumn7 » Posted Mar. 20, 2012 12:03am
Thanks so much! I really appreciate your words and prayer. X

Comment from Samm0704 » Posted Mar. 19, 2012 12:17pm
Awwwe I am so sorry.. We will keep you in our prayers and hope for the best,., Everything will work out for the best.

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