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Joined Feb. 7, 2013 7:46pm

tokyokriss's Pregnancy

My Due Date: I suffered a pregnancy loss
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

Calculating how far along you are when it comes to IVF is difficult!
By tokyokriss » Posted Feb. 9, 2013 9:26pm - 247 views - 1 comment

Or rather, it is when you are setting up a countdown on a site, haha! But, I finally fixed things!

4 weeks 3 days. It was an amazing feeling to walk into the director of the clinic's office and have him tell us we are going to have a baby! The way they do it in Japan is, you see a different RE just about every time. We chose one of the premiere, top rated places and there were a few crappy moments, but overall they were very good! I found out firsthand that when having any procedure involving a catheter going through the cervix, ask for whomever has the most experience! (The director did our embryo transfer and I literally felt NOTHING)

It still doesn't feel real. I have a few minor, nagging symptoms, but that's it. It's been a hard journey, but I'm crazy exited to be here! My husband and a pen pal friend I made off of the countdown to pregnancy site supported me a lot, and my mother.....was her usual self.

I feel out of my element, living in Japan, sometimes. Raising children here is only going to make it feel worse, I'm sure, but things will somehow work out!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from sunshinebear711 » Posted Feb. 11, 2013 6:38am
So glad to see you over here now! :-) Molly and I send you lots of love and can't wait to meet your little one.

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