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Joined Feb. 7, 2013 7:46pm

tokyokriss's Pregnancy

My Due Date: I suffered a pregnancy loss
Age: 40 years old

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5 weeks! A lot of symptoms are going away though...?
By tokyokriss » Posted Feb. 14, 2013 5:04am - 344 views - 2 comments

Well, I assume it's 5 weeks. I assume there is still a baby in there. It's really hard to believe it when you simply don't feel pregnant at all.

Every day leading up to today has been cramps that come and go in waves. Today they are pretty much gone. I've had a few niggling, sharper pains on the left side only, where I got the really sharp stabbing pains almost a week before I got a positive pregnancy test. (I'm assuming it was implantation which hurt like nothing I'd felt before, lol) I hope it was the baby just settling in a bit more.

Usually by now I would be nauseated, as it only comes in the evening, and it's evening now. But....nothing. Frequent peeing? Not today. I've mostly just been tired as hell today. I tell myself not to worry. I've had almost no spotting, and I'm not in excruciating pain. I tested earlier because I was concerned and the lines are darker than ever. My body temperature is still high.

I also can't help but worry. I've never been pregnant and don't know what to expect. I don't know at what point I should worry, and you do hear about women who go in and find that their babies died, just stopped developing, sometimes weeks previously and they had no idea at all.

I think the ultrasound, provided all goes well, will put my mind at ease somewhat. (It's the day after tomorrow, early in the morning) But I know I probably won't stop worrying until I feel the baby move. And even then, I'll probably still just keep on with the worry. I suppose that is just a mother's curse, and blessing.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from tokyokriss » Posted Feb. 21, 2013 4:51pm
Thank you so much for this moment. It helped me so, so much!

Comment from nesssicle » Posted Feb. 14, 2013 8:41am
Oh please try not to worry! I went through the same thing! I had only mild nausea for like a week or so around the 7th week and that was it. I was always commenting to my husband about how i didn't feel pregnant. You read up on the symptoms of pregnancy and you're lead to believe that you should be having your head in the toilet or constantly on the toilet. Thats simply not true for everyone. So please try not to worry so much. I know its tough, but more likely than not, everything is perfectly fine!

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