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Joined Feb. 7, 2013 7:46pm

tokyokriss's Pregnancy

My Due Date: I suffered a pregnancy loss
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

6 weeks 1 day! And nervous...
By tokyokriss » Posted Feb. 21, 2013 4:48pm - 218 views - 2 comments

I promised myself I'd never be one of those super nervous pregnant women/mommies. Ha! I'm a basket of nerves and have been since day one, lol.

Our next ultrasound is tomorrow morning, and they *say* we will be able to see the heartbeat, but...what if they can't? Isn't that too early to see it though?

My pregnancy symptoms are finally kicking in. Late night, two day go, right before I became 6 weeks, (around midnight), was when the nausea finally hit. Ick. It keeps teaming up with the heartburn to make me miserable. I've also got headaches, SUPER TIRED/SLEEPY, (I never used to be a nap person), frequent peeing, stuffy nose, and weirdly enough, with as high as my temp is, I am absolutely freezing! It is still winter and frigid outside, but I'm usually inside. (I live in a country with mass transport being the norm, and the trains are like a cesspool of germs.) My paranoia over getting ill just got worse as yesterday my BFF told me his sister lost one of her twins after getting the norovirus last week. She was 4 months along. I went out and bought more masks and a small purse sized bottle of hand sanitizer, I can't lie.

Monday we decided we will go register the pregnancy at the kuyakushou, (city ward office), if all goes well tomorrow. I also need to ask how long I'll need to stay on the estradiol patches and progesterone suppositories. I'm getting tired of both, lol.

Well, fingers crossed for tomorrow, I guess!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from roobabyttc » Posted Feb. 22, 2013 11:09am
I understand the basket of nerves, I wish you best of luck . Praying for a strong healthy heartbeat and tears of joy. :D

Comment from sunshinebear711 » Posted Feb. 22, 2013 6:14am
Fingers crossed for you!

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