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Joined Feb. 7, 2013 7:46pm

tokyokriss's Pregnancy

My Due Date: I suffered a pregnancy loss
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

Human error!
By tokyokriss » Posted Feb. 26, 2013 7:17am - 245 views - 2 comments

The ultrasound tech was wrong, and the doctor apologized. The tech did a very rushed job. It seems my uterus is lightly tilted and she also missed that the baby was slightly hidden behind the yolk sac. My husband and I had thought we saw flashes of a heartbeat but the tech said the sac was empty save for the old sac and said it was blighted in her opinion. We thought we had been wrong. The senior doctor found our baby today, measuring 6 weeks 5 days with a crown to rump length of 4.6 mm! And a good, strong heartbeat. Again, she apologized, and I cried out of joy and relief.

My complete lack of symptoms, and weight loss, (I've lost about 5 or 6 kilos), sounded odd to the doctor but she said all pregnancies are different and she can't explain it, but not to worry so much.

My husband and I are so happy. I'm a little angry with that tech, but what's done is done, I suppose. She did put us through 3 days of hell, though. I don't think I've ever cried harder.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from tokyokriss » Posted Feb. 26, 2013 9:31am
Ugh, iPad typing. Lol, "yolk sac", not: "old sac".

@Brightstar: thank you! I'm glad to know I'm not weird for not having symptoms. I had a few early on but not now. Everywhere I looked online it said that's a miscarriage sign, and that morning sickness means the baby is healthy. I assumed the worst. I've been healthy to the point of anal retentive since we found out, I have to say, so maybe it's the several small, super healthy meals that is the trick. I don't know!

Comment from Brightstar » Posted Feb. 26, 2013 8:33am
what a relief!!!so glad baby is well.many women are without symptoms,you must have a very balanced body .:)congratulations.

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