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Joined Jan. 10, 2013 9:22am

sassysacha's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 2, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 45 years old
Location: Canada

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Just found out we are PG AGAIN!!
By sassysacha » Posted May. 26, 2013 2:31pm - 223 views - 2 comments

I am just so happy that we are PG again. After our suspected ectopic and the shot, then having to wait three cycles before trying again, has made this BFP very well awaited!!

Last BFP cycle I didn't get our first + result until 12DPO and it was very faint. It also didn't increase as fast as I would have liked it either but just went on with that every PG is different. I started to feel different a few days before I started to bleed and cramp. I was just feeling too good to be PG. When I found out I was surprised but wasn't all at the same time. They were worried that I had an ectopic because my lining was very thin, way too thin to have been PG. Which is a symptom of ectopic so they treated me with the MTX shot.

Now we are hear today 11DPO and I have a nice BFP and I didn't get this dark until 14DPO last time. It has been progressing nicely and doubling every day the last three days. Yeah well I used super ultra sensitive tests, and I know I implanted on 8DPO!! How crazy was it for me to see a line that early but they did!! I can't wait to see how nicely they continue to darker. (Also I am a bit obsessed with looking at my test. I seriously can't get enough of looking at it. Did I mention I am OBSESSED!!

I am a bit nervous that this could end again, but I will call Dr Hotty and let him know that I have a + HPT and I will be going for every 48hr blood tests for the first little while, then an early US. I am hoping that they will wait until at least six weeks before the US cause I really want to find out what side baby is attached on. I would like to see if the Ramzi's method it right. There are so many good things saying it is and I want to be able to prove to myself that we did it nice and early that we have a little girl.

As for today I am a bit uncomfortable. My back is aching and legs feel like I did 50 squats.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Quartz3 » Posted May. 26, 2013 7:34pm
Congratulations! So happy for you!

Comment from MillerbabyThree » Posted May. 26, 2013 4:39pm
Yay!!!! I am cheering for u mama!!! And again congratulations mama :)

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