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Joined Jan. 10, 2013 9:22am

sassysacha's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 2, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 45 years old
Location: Canada

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My Journal

Failed the glucose test.....
By sassysacha » Posted Oct. 29, 2013 4:21pm - 234 views - 1 comment

So I went for my test last week. I was so busy I forgot to have breakfast, so it turned out to be a fasting 1hr test. When it was supposed to be a regular one. I failed.... So I have to do the test again. Which I guess it is not a good thing I failed it fasting cause this next one is a fasting, but I have to wait there for two hours instead of the one. If I at least ate then there would be a good chance that I just ate too many carbs or something for the reason to fail the test. Crap. This isn't looking too good. The nurse was a little worried that we would have something else to add to my high risk pg....

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from sunshinebear711 » Posted Oct. 30, 2013 8:10pm
A good portion of women fail the first one. I did, and passed the second with flying colors. :-) It isn't that bad, but be prepared for LOTS of sticks. If they do it the same way, I got stuck when I got there, then again 15 minutes after I drank it, then an hour after I drank it, then two hours after. I brought a laptop and a movie to watch.

*hug* Good luck.

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