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gotababylady's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 4, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: Phoenix, United States

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My Journal

By gotababylady » Posted Feb. 9, 2014 4:58am - 337 views - 3 comments

Thats what time it is where I am right now. I can't sleep. I don't handle fights well, I never have. This fight with my MIL has really gotten me down. She is very upset with me and thinks my response to her was hurtful and disrespectful. I strongly disagree. I tried very hard to be stern but as polite as possible. I'm glad I stood up to her but I hate to consequences. I know I did the right thing but there is just no getting her to understand that this has nothing to do with her. She wrote we a long hurtful response with a ton of bull crap excuses that were honestly lies as to why she renamed my firstborn. Then preceded to guilt and manipulate me as to why she must now rename my daughter. My Dh says to ignore her and just move on but thats like telling me not to breath. Conflict is hard for me I'm an obsessive person. Once something has gotten into my head it doesn't go away until it is resolved. There isn't resolution to this just more anger, hurt feelings, and loss of sleep.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Eluria88 » Posted Feb. 9, 2014 4:44pm
I handle things like that a lot more rudely than you do. I think I would be saying she's not allowed to see the baby until she can respect your role as a parent to the child. I wouldn't allow her at the hospital or in the room. I'd make it very clear to hospital staff that she is not to go anywhere near your room before or after the baby is born. If she wants to be that way she'll have to live with the consequences, not you.

Comment from sillychemist » Posted Feb. 9, 2014 8:19am
This sounds like a very controlling & manipulative person. I grew up in this type of environment & I understand your torn emotions. It's really damaging. Perhaps your DH could try talking to her since she's his mother? Personally, I would have my DH explain that if this type of behavior doesn't stop we'd be forced to cut her out. You have to protect your family, and part of having a healthy family is keeping you healthy. I hope things get better for you.

Comment from kaylia2oo5 » Posted Feb. 9, 2014 6:20am
I'm exactly like you- we're not exactly fighting over the same things with our in-laws, but DH tells me to ignore her and act like she's not there. It's just not that simple. They completely ignored my pregnancy announcement for my son in 2012, and ignored the one I made day before yesterday for this baby.
Yet they make a huge deal when his sister has a baby (although I don't see them bragging anywheres that her baby is now going on 4 months, and my MIL can't leave her house because shes not ready to be alone with the baby....I won't comment anymore on that situation ;) ). There were no congrats, nothing. It bothers me, but it doesn't bother him.
Just keep in mind that YOU will win this battle, no matter how many guilt trips, or how much manipulating she tries to do! YOU will win :)

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