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Joined May. 10, 2014 4:05pm

prinder's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 12, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old
Location: Norwich, United Kingdom

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#_(|<!^& Vitamins
By prinder » Posted Jun. 21, 2014 2:53am - 246 views - 3 comments

The smell makes me want to gag, the taste makes me want to gag, trying to swallow them is an exercise in sheer willpower [i]not[/i] to gag. Taking two prenatal vitamins a day was bad enough, but DH has gotten it into his head that I need more vitamin D, C and apparently this really gross yeast tablets. I went from barely gagging down two, to now almost failing to choke down six.

It doesn't help much that they sit, I swear, in my stomach sideways... and quadruple in size, somehow. The little buggers sit like very dense rocks.

It's only been two days, so I should chill out and wait to see if my body gets used to them, but, ugh.

On the upside, and unrelated: after browbeating DH for a couple of days, he's finally relented and agreed to take the book of baby names, with a highlighter, and mark the names he likes as I originally planned him to do. This was achieved only because I spent a day yesterday looking through and picking out names myself and once he had vetoed HALF of the names that I chose, I used that to explain my original point about how picky he is. As I said, he at last agreed. Go me!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Kitten90 » Posted Jun. 21, 2014 9:56am
I'm not sure how easy they are to find over there, but here we have gummy prenatal vitamins that I found at walmart that are $7 for a 90 days supply. Since they are gummies they don't have iron, so if you don't get enough iron in your diet you'll need a supplement (which can also be found in a verrrry small size so they are easy to swallow)

Comment from dakotagurrl » Posted Jun. 21, 2014 9:27am
U can also get liquid vitamin C and D3. U could add one to the other and use it to swallow the prenatal and yeast pills.

Comment from hopejosh » Posted Jun. 21, 2014 9:18am
Have you tried children's chewable vitamins? I had to take them with my first pregnancy. The prenatal vitamins made me so sick. Idk anything about the yeast pill but I also currently take a chewable vitamin c and a gummy D3 vitamin. Maybe those can help?

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