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Joined May. 10, 2014 4:05pm

prinder's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 12, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old
Location: Norwich, United Kingdom

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My Journal

The Cups Over-floweth
By prinder » Posted Jul. 13, 2014 5:02pm - 238 views - 3 comments

I am well-endowed, there is just no way to hide it; when it was time for genetics to hand out boob-growth, I got a double serving. Yesterday, we went bra shopping, because I just couldn't take the tightness of my bras anymore. I WAS a GG-cup before pregnancy. I was very lucky to have a Bravissimo (they can ship international as well from their online store, for those who are like myself) shop in the city three miles from us: they have bras from A-cup to K-cup for most of their styles. I could count on them to be able to fit me for a bra easily.

Long story short: It's a really good thing that we had that resource, as I went down a band-size and UP three cup sizes (which is basically going up four cup sizes). And these things are still growing. Yowza. If I'm lucky, the one I got without underwire will be forgiving enough that I won't need to get an upgrade.

I can't speak for the rest of women, but seriously? FOUR cups sizes? I don't care how much a woman has to start with, but going up that much in the first trimester without any real weight gain... why does that sound sick to me?

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from snolie14 » Posted Jul. 18, 2014 8:25am
I was barely an A before pregnancy, and I'm barely a B now...but they are fuller, for sure! HAHA, sometimes I wish I was better off boob-wise! I have nursed 3 children already, so they are deflated, so it's very nice to have full breasts again! HAHA

Comment from prinder » Posted Jul. 14, 2014 4:07am
Yeah... button-ups are not big-boob friendly. I've just accepted it over the years that any pattern on any t-shirt that I owned would get split apart like the face of the Joker. It makes me kind of depressed that Bravissimo's clothing line, Pepperberry, doesn't have a maternity section. They made clothes designed for women with masses of curves so we aren't all stuck wearing tents.

Comment from Sianny » Posted Jul. 14, 2014 4:04am
I'm up two and I'm sure I'm still growing as the new bras are getting 'full' but that means I've gone from having a handful to too much to handle I'm not practiced in larger boob management. I've actually started to stretch my tops, bust buttons or even worse, fall out!

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