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Joined Oct. 9, 2012 3:19pm

ericalee's Pregnancy

My Due Date: December 1, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old
Location: Madison, United States

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12w4d - Ultrasounds and my stubborn immune system!
By ericalee » Posted May. 23, 2016 10:18am - 227 views - 3 comments

I'm 12w4d today, but the ultrasound today the baby was technically measuring 11w6d. BUT my OB said it was definitely off by a few days because the baby was curled up in a ball so she wasn't able to get a full length measurement. The baby was seriously curled up super tight and kept doing somersaults as if to say , "Catch me if you can!". She even had a hard time getting a good heartrate measurement because baby wouldn't sit in one place long enough for her to get the cursor on it. LOL. She finally did and the heartrate was 157bpm, which is on par with where he/she should be at this point. Everything with baby is looking PERFECT.

My immune system, on the other hand, is not so perfect. I've been on 30mg prednisone and getting IVIG infusions weekly my entire pregnancy and my immune numbers have either not budged or they have gone up (bad). We want them to go DOWN. So frustrating! Last week I had to get a double dose of my IVIG infusion to see if it would help take my numbers down a few notches and then use the regular dose to maintain the lower numbers. Thankfully, the infusion went well. I was very worried I would end up with some major side effects from the double dose. I am very lucky not to experience the common (and awful) side effects from a regular dose, but wasn't sure what a double would do to me. I chugged so much gatorade and water to keep my fluids up that I was dragging my little IV pole to the bathroom allll day. The infusion took just under 6 hours because there was so much of it. Looooong day at the hospital.

After my ultrasound last week the plan was to skip a month before my next one, but because my numbers came back so high I had to go back today. As long as my immunologist agrees that the growth looks good I can now skip TWO weeks before going back for another u/s. Thankfully, my OB is wonderful and so understanding about everything.

I've been able to taper down on my injectable progesterone from 2cc to 1cc. woo woo!! Hopefully only another week or two and no more injections in my booty!!!! Woot woot!!!

Overall though, I feel GREAT. I have a ton of energy... maybe more than my husband would like sometimes because I have been taking on all these DIY projects when he is at work. I haven't gone crazy with lifting super heavy things or anything. I like to be busy and get things done. Plus, it's that time of year when everything comes alive and I can't help but want to be outside doing things. We built a raised bed garden this year and I've been building this removable panels that extend up the top to keep the rabbits out, yet still allow me to get into the garden. They look really nice!! Over the weekend Elle and I went and bought some flowers for the yard and our flower boxes. Hopefully we can get the garden finished up and planted by this weekend.

The only thing I could complain about is the insomnia and headaches. I wake up at 4am almost every day and can't fall back asleep. It also doesn't help my husband snores.. ugh. I haven't had any more migraines with aura since the one a few weeks ago, but did have a killer headache yesterday. Tylenol took care of it, which is great. Just hoping I don't start to get them more often. Headaches are just no fun!

Hope everyone had a good weekend. We took our boat out this past weekend with Elle. VERY different experience now that she can move around the boat instead of being plopped in her car seat napping. LOL. But she LOVED it. Hopefully the water will warm up soon so we can get her floating around.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from pbc910 » Posted May. 24, 2016 11:05pm
I have a snoring husband too...he's doing it right now! Probably why I am on the comp at 12am instead of in bed!!! I can't imagine how annoying it is to have to sit for a 6 hr infusion but totally worth it to help get your numbers lower. This is definitely a good time of the year to have energy and you are about the same place I was in my pregnancy a year ago and I remember finally feeling good around this time!

Comment from Starmama14 » Posted May. 24, 2016 7:00am
Those darn numbers! Hopefully they will cooperate soon for you :) I know what you mean about the energy...I have so much of it this time around too! It is hard to take it easy when you feel like you can do anything! So glad everything is going well for you! Keep us posted :)

Comment from josamarie » Posted May. 23, 2016 11:11pm
Boo about your numbers not cooperating, but yay to absolutely everything else! I'm impressed that you are so handy, I have a diy list a million miles long and just can't find the motivation or time to get anything started

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