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Joined Oct. 19, 2013 2:01pm

dakara's Pregnancy

My Due Date: June 30, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 33 years old

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My Journal

New Sensations
By dakara » Posted Dec. 20, 2013 12:56am - 345 views - 0 comments

Now that I'm heading ever closer to the second trimester, I'm starting to enjoy this pregnancy more. I'm still worried about the same things as before, but I'm working with a few organizations, and I've revealed my pregnancy to my best (female) friend. She lives out of county for college and is back for the winter break, and I really wanted to tell her in person, not on the phone or through the internet, and I'm so glad I waited, because at first she had some concerns to clear (are you sure you want this? What's your emergency plan? Did my wife and I agree on the major parenting decisions?) and I think it would have sounded a lot more critical in a text or on the phone than in my own living room where I can see her face and gauge her reaction. I also told my boss and coworkers about it, and they were very supportive, so I'm feeling a lot less alone and a lot more supported. I still haven't told our family yet, because we have a good idea of how they'll respond, and we'd rather wait until after the holidays so we don't get accused of ruining anything.

I still don't "feel" pregnant, especially now that I don't still have the sickness. I'm still having trouble eating, though. I can only eat about half a meal at a time and then I just feel so full, but an hour later, I'm starving again. So I'm sort of forced to eat small meals many times a day, so I guess that's a good thing. Plus, now that I'm not queasy all the time, it's much easier to exercise, and that's been helping me feel even better, because when I was sick I was all bloaty and the kind of tired that comes from not doing anything.

I wish I would start showing soon or something, though. My stomach feels smaller lately, and it's because this baby is making me lose weight like some kind of plauge, and that's been depressing because while I know that means the baby is eating well and getting nutrients they need (especially since getting WIC, and I'm able to buy more protein and dairy), but seeing my waistline shrinking instead of growing is really taxing psychologically, because it doesn't exactly make me confidant that the baby is actually growing, despite an ultrasound that says they're doing quite well and might actually be a bit ahead for the gestation.

So basically, my current feelings on this pregnancy is that the baby needs to hurry up and grow! Plus I'm feeling more confidant knowing that my friends and coworkers are behind me, since basically no one's response was "oh no. You should get an abortion. This is a mistake." which is essentially what I feared everyone would say. Instead, everyone seems to be rooting for me, and that's been a big help. Now if only I could get a nice baby bump going!

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