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Joined Mar. 24, 2014 9:19am

BabyClaire11's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 11, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 29 years old

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My Journal

extreme anxiety.
By BabyClaire11 » Posted Jun. 17, 2014 10:04am - 232 views - 2 comments

I have an OB appointment at 3:30 today... and i'm EXTREMELY nervous/anxious because i don't want to get weighed. I'm like literally freaking out. I've had to FORCE myself to eat some cereal for breakfast today because i don't want any food in my system making me heavier on the scale. My fingers are also puffy, so are my feet, so that means i'm retaining water too- meaning no matter what i'm not going to be my true weight. I'm FREAKING out and i feel like i'm about to have an anxiety attack...
Why do i have to be so messed up :'( I don't enjoy going to these doctors appointments now, it's just taking the fun out of being pregnant. I've been dreading today for about a week now... and kept my intake to a minimum yesterday because i knew my appointment was coming up today.
I'm to the point where i don't even see a 'pregnant belly' in the mirror anymore. I just see fat. Fat everywhere. my back fat has gotten bigger. my thighs jiggle more. my arms have gotten rounder, my face has gotten WAY fatter, and i can hardly see my collar bones anymore. none of this even bothered me before my last appointment because i knew it was for the baby, and that i could just lose it all again like i have before..... now it doesn't matter... i'm getting fatter, less attractive, and obese again.

And don't give me any hate for this, i'm doing the best i can. Any rude comments will just make it worse.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from celueste » Posted Jun. 17, 2014 1:04pm
I felt this way completely my first pregnancy. It gets better, you only have 8 more weeks to go, holding that baby in your arms will make it all worth it. You're beautiful chicky :)

Comment from aprilluvsmoz » Posted Jun. 17, 2014 10:13am
I understand your concerns, I would definitley talk to your doctor about everything they may be able to help. Maybe you can ask the nurse to record your weight you just would perfer not to discuss them. I hope your appointment goes well :)

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