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Joined Apr. 25, 2014 3:39am

Sianny's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 2, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: United Kingdom

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My Journal

Musings about a birth plans old and new.
By Sianny » Posted Oct. 14, 2014 10:12am - 319 views - 4 comments

So close to 30 weeks, I consider that the home stretch and I can't believe how the time has flown by. I really cannot wait to meet my little girl.
Hunters birth, though not traumatic, was difficult.
I started having strong braxtons on the 24th of Jan around midday and by 6pm that evening I knew it wasn't just another case of braxtons, these were contractions. By 8pm I was on the delivery ward being checked out. 1cm gone... It was going to be a long night as I was sent home, couldn't sleep as the pain got worse and worse.
We were back on the delivery ward by 3am the next morning and told I was 4cm, one to go and they would admit me but after 4hrs I was told they made a mistake and I was still only 1cm, the pain was twice as bad as it normally would at that stage because baby was back to back with me putting a lot of pressure on every nerve in my back. I burst into tears.
The matron took pity on me and gave me some codine and a birthing ball to take home.
I was tired and the pills almost knocked me out so the sofa was a great place to crash until things progressed but Nooooooooo, Hunter had other plans.
I had only been home 15 minutes when my waters broke (about noon) and they were green, baby had pooped inside (I ate a whole pineapple the evening of the 23rd and I fully believe that was the case, DO NOT be tempted to try home inductions as there is a risk of a Meconium Birth, a risk to your babys health) so after a call to the matron she said to drive like the wind, I was being admitted no matter what my cm as if I took too long to progress I would have to be induced to save baby from complications. I didn't process this I was just groggy and looking forward to the gas and air.
In I went and into a special birthing unit ready to help baby if he did breath anything in while still in the womb, I was linked up to many monitors and given the wonderful gas and air, after a quick examination I was found to be in the second stage, past 5cm and doing well not to need induction. It felt like no time at all had passed when I declared I needed to push. Hunters heart rate kept dropping so we kept trying new positions but I had no clue thanks to throwing my birth plan out of the window and begging for something for the pain. I didn't want Pethidine but my wonderful birth team of four midwives suggested Meptid . It stung like a bitch and did nothing for the pain but I was so high I didn't care and I came out with all sorts of rubbish, hubby tried to play 'this little piggy' on my feet and got a kicking.
On the bed, in the standard birthing position I heaved out a 9lb little boy who thankfully had not one complication due to the birth, right on his due date. 4.28pm , pink and screaming.
Getting stitched up after hurt a little but they numbed me up again and Hubby dressed the little man as I discovered that after birth you feel like crap. I could hardly hold my own weight, I had no idea how to get off the bed without making a mess (cue the maternity pads and pleanty of them) and every muscle I had was pulled and shaking but I was done.
I discharged myself by 8pm that evening and started the long adventure into parenthood. Honestly there is so much about what to expect during birth but not how you will feel after. It took three days before it felt like my legs could hold my weight.

This time I want to try much the same, maybe the meptid again. Going to spend more time in the bath at home or trying to sleep, not freaking out. Maybe a water birth although the pooping in the bath worries me...
Lots of gas and air. Strictly no epidural no matter how much I beg unless Hubby thinks I mean it.
Skin to skin contact straight after birth and as many midwives (I gave birth at a teaching hospital) as they want to send in as they were so attentive and kind.
To go home asap.
I'm sure I'll add more as we go.

(Ignore the blue tint to the photo, hubby was too flustered to figure out how to turn the 'cool filter' off. Bless him x)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Sianny » Posted Oct. 17, 2014 4:56am
In the UK they normally 'want' you to stay in 12 -24 hours with your first and some even go home sooner depending on the time of day but I hate being away from home, even going on holiday upsets me and freaks me out. So as long as they said Hunter was fine and nothing medically wrong with either of us I discharged myself. They can't force you to stay in. Besides I don't see the point in taking up a bed a more deserving woman needs if everything is fine, they only wanted me to stay because they were worried about my first time breastfeeding.
If you have complications, C section or an epidural they keep you in but with 2nd and so on children it can actually be an in and out, my sisters 2nd and 3rd she was out within 4 hours, the 2nd she was actually kicked out after 2hrs as they needed the beds.

Comment from snolie14 » Posted Oct. 16, 2014 6:50am
They discharged you the same day??? I didn't think anyone went home so soon! I truly wish I hadn't had to have c-sections with any of my baby's...I wish I had a child the natural way...recovery from a c-section isn't terrible, at least you don't have any pain down in the nether regions ;-) I hope your birth plan goes well this time around as well! :-)

Comment from Sianny » Posted Oct. 14, 2014 11:05am
Hubby gave mine to the birthing team and they honestly stood by it all. They didn't panic me despite issues, didn't let me have an epidural even though I kept asking and left us with baby for an hour to bond and for me to clean up besides other things I can't remember right now. Also they are good for enforcing your wishes to family who might 'forget' what you asked. My birth team agreed to keep the inlaws out even after birth sould they forget I said No Visitors.

Comment from aprilluvsmoz » Posted Oct. 14, 2014 10:57am
I am glad you posted this. I have no idea how to even begin a birthing plan. I know what stuff I would like and how its done, Im just not even sure if anyone would pay attention to what I would like for myself. I know I should get it going though, I will be 34 weeks on Friday and I have been having a definite increase in contractions.

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