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Joined Apr. 25, 2014 3:39am

Sianny's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 2, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: United Kingdom

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Help I'm being attacked from the inside!
By Sianny » Posted Nov. 6, 2014 3:38am - 194 views - 2 comments

As I write this, little madam is just settling down from dancing up a storm in there. It's hard to concentrate when little elbows are trying to rearrange your ovaries and little fists are knocking at the only exit. I'm sure if I could bend that far to have a look I'd see the little pickle looking back at me.
Was only to be expected as she had a lazy day yesterday as I was on the move a lot so she clearly slept, rolling over a little here and a stretch there. Of course 8pm came and she decided that Daddies hand needed to be attacked in a full on game of 'poke me poke you'.
Then the bed was springy so she kicked that for a bit and eventually rolled onto my bladder meaning I spent the first half of the night going to the loo.
Don't get me wrong, this is no complaint. In fact I find it funny as heck feeling her little personality showing already.
She did sleep well during the night until I made the mistake of a trip to the loo at 5am, she didn't approve of being awoken to a cold morning and I am sure if I could communicate with my little womb inhabitant the conversation would go a little like this:

Me: Waddles back from the loo
Thea poke kick kick "Its cold mum!"
Me "yes I know, but i'm trying to go back to sleep now"
Thea "But its morning and I don't like it on the left because I can't reach your ribs to kick."
Me "That's why I lay on my left"
Thea"I'm going to kick the bed"
Me "Okay...ow ow ow ow ow ow" rolls over to the right
Hubby "Why are you fidgeting?"
Me "Its not me, have words with your daughter!"
Thea "YAY daddies awake! Oooo whats this?" poke poke poke
Me "A vital organ I think"
Thea "and that?" poke poke
Me "still another vital organ..."
Thea "Oooooh squishy" fidget, kick, punch, roll, knee, knee, elbow, headbutt cervix. "Hey mum, mum? mum? MUUUUUUUUUM!" jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk jerk "I've got hiccups again! Look you can feel them really well if I push myself into this bit over here." JERK JERK JERK JERK
Me "Noooo not my bladder."
Thea "Yay were getting up again!!!"

32 weeks tomorrow, wow time is rushing by now and I'm starting to get a little nervous. Not about labour or anything like that. I'm remembering the hysteria that sets in with those first few sleepless nights, it may have been weeks, I'm not sure as it all blurred into one. Gently slipping the sleeping little boy back into his moses basket, someone broke wind, it may have been me (FYI labours little gift is that you can't really control this function for a few days) but we were trying so hard not to laugh and wake the baby that we had to get up and leave the room. We cried with laughter in the bathroom for a good 20mins. It wasn't even that funny and we just kept looking at one another and asking why we were laughing and the only answer was we were so tired we didn't even know. Took us a while to settle down as one of us always ended up sniggering and setting the other one off laughing.
It was hard enough with one, you can rest while they sleep but now that one is 2 years old and I'm about to have another one. How do you rest when you have a toddler? How do you function as a responsible parent when you're in full on zombie mode?
How do you survive???
Guess there is only one way to find out...

On another note, I'm back to my happy self at last and also back to hiking which is great because the landscape is stunning at this time of year. I've missed walking so much.
My digestion has decided to play up so i'm either rushing to the loo, constipated or have reflux.
Now to sit back and watch my tummy continue to grow, not sure how it can get much bigger but I'm sure it will.
The photo is the halloween shoot with my son back in 2011 and Theas from this year. So much fun to do but my hips hurt so I was a grumpy bumpy model lol.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Sianny » Posted Nov. 7, 2014 4:32am
You do miss it, after my son was born I would still feel and touch my vanishing bump like a crazy person and it was hard to stop waddling as it had become automatic lol.
We're almost there though, nearly time to walk our babies through life <3

Comment from Kitten90 » Posted Nov. 6, 2014 3:11pm
I feel ya on the digestive issues! Good lord. Had mayyyybe a week of no heartburn and now it's back again all day/night. And the level of gas I've had the past few days is downright disturbing lol!

My little lady is moving tons today. It's still so weird watching her push out one whole side of my belly when she's stretching out and sometimes it's a bit scary but I'm really gonna miss that once she's out =)

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