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Joined Apr. 25, 2014 3:39am

Sianny's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 2, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: United Kingdom

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Nearly Forgot - 17 weeks tomorrow
By Sianny » Posted Jul. 24, 2014 8:02am - 187 views - 1 comment

Whoops! I was supposed to have a midwife appointment at 16 weeks but with the house move and holiday I have completely forgotten to even register with the new surgery let alone visit a midwife.
I'm my defense all they do is weigh me and take my blood pressure before asking if I have any questions... Not really interesting as I feel fine and as I have no questions or concerns Its not really been top of my list but I have made it so that I'll register next week and get the appointment straight after.

The weight gain is depressingly climbing almost daily now, I'm putting on about 2lb a week it seems and after lots of hard work to loose 3 stone before I fell pregnant again I am worried that I'll be back up to my old weight before I even hit the third trimester and it wouldn't be baby weight. Stupid isn't it, its the most magical experience but I become so self conscious I seem to be obsessing over stupid stuff.
I hadn't noticed how much I've 'popped' until I saw some holiday snaps. This is me at Tintagel Castle, I knew I had a bump but I look 7 months gone! Most ladies haven't even started showing yet so I feel a bit 'freakish' especially when at a recent birthday party for my niece two women due before me with their seconds looked at me like some alien being because I was that big and a month behind them. I was suddenly very embarrassed.
Talk about spoiling it for me... Yes I made that bad smell face at them and waddled off, would have been a great exit too if a small child hadn't dashed into my path and been floored by my bump. I would have wished for the ground to swallow me up but I'm sure I only would have been wedged in by the bump.

I keep feeling the little flutters, sometimes I get a few and other days I don't feel anything at all so I've almost convinced myself again that its all in my head. Hubby is finding it hard to bond with this baby when with our son he was excited about everything. Now he doesn't even respond if I mention feeling the baby or discussing furniture and names.
He says its not new, yet for me it feel just like the first time. I think its because he's afraid to get attached when it could all go wrong still, I don't think he's going to be happy until this little baby is heading to collage.

The sickness comes and goes and I still cannot drink water before 4pm and the sickness has started creeping in again before dinner. Which sucks because I'm hungry all the time and its hard to graps the feeling of beeing really hungry while you're throwing up. Not to mention no one around me understands 'you want curry? But you just threw the naan bread up???'
Urgh... so much complaining when actually I feel rather jolly (that would be the santa belly making me jolly me thinks hohoho)

Less grumpy news, I asked my mum to be my birthing partner as last time I only wanted Hubby but now it doesn't bother me so much besides this is the last chance she'll get to see one of her grandchildren enter the world. Neither of my sisters asked her so this will be her first and I think I made her day. Plus Hubby is a useless birthing partner as he gets too flustered not to mention he actually tried to play 'this little piggy' on my toes after I asked him to put my socks on. I was just starting to push with the killer contrations and was sooooo not amused, I tried to kick him in the face. The midwife chuckled and said 'I could have told you that was a bad idea'.

I've had to stop typing this twice because I've just been hit by some nasty crampy type pains, my money is on growing pains but I also wouldn't rule out digestive issues knowing me I can't imagine there is much room in there for all this food I'm eating. My lower tummy went really tight and I could have said braxtons but they lasted less then a second and its waaaaaaaay to early for that hassle.

Right I have to go be all domestic like now and bake some banana bread and resist the temptation to eat the batter.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from aprilluvsmoz » Posted Jul. 24, 2014 3:13pm
Banana Bread sounds delicious!! Yeah it is sad that in such a beautiful time everyone can become self conscious. Your bump looks beautiful and considering all that you went through to get here make sure you embrace it. I was going through the same issues with my boyfriend bonding because we had so many previous losses after my anatomy scan and him seeing his son he has now been able to breathe, we both have. I feel flutters everyday now but not consistently everyday it is hard sometimes to shut your brain off. I know that it can be pretty inconsistent this early though. Best of luck with everything and hitting 17 weeks!

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