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Joined May. 10, 2014 4:05pm

prinder's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 12, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old
Location: Norwich, United Kingdom

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My Journal

You can almost hear it:
By prinder » Posted Aug. 25, 2014 4:28am - 396 views - 1 comment

I swear, this kid has no trouble making it known exactly what it wants. You can almost hear the ranting as it flails about, beating at the walls of my uterus:

To Mommy:

I'm hungry! You're hungry, I'm hungry: we, are, HUNGRY. I'm not playing with you, I mean it. I will give you hiccups until you get off your duff and FEED US.


-The "Sprout"

p.s. was that seriously the best you could think of? What are you going to call me when I'm born?! wtf...

To Mommy:

I'm boooooooorrred, I don't want to sit still anymore: get up and do something or I'll give you indigestion. You keep saying things like "It's too early" like that actually means something to me. What does 5AM mean? You say it like it's supposed to make some sort of difference. At least roll over, I'm getting tired of laying like this and it isn't the way you want - trust me.



To Mommy:

STOP POKING ME! WTF, Seriously? I was having a perfectly good nap before you started prodding whatever-that-is at me. Why are you giggling?! I can hear you! See: even Daddy thinks you should stop! DAD, MOMMY'S BUGGING ME! OMGWTFBBQ, why are you such a dork? Stop screwing around and let me sleep!



To Mommy:

Stop being birthed from the house: there is something hot and bright outside of the house and I don't like it. Can't we just stay inside, under layers of warm things and live like a womb-with-in-a-womb? No, I'm being serious right now... don't roll your eyes at me! Yes I can tell you're doing that, I can feel you move your weight around to toss your head.

Wtf, was that a snort?! Did you just SNORT at me?! I want to be warm and in a place with no light what-so-ever. I don't care how you achieve it, make it happen or I'm going to make you nauseas for the rest of the day.



Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from aprilluvsmoz » Posted Aug. 25, 2014 9:20am
Funny journal entry. The babies definitley let you know what they want. My son has a habit of being up at 1:30-2 in the morning and not going to sleep until 4 or 5. He wakes me up to let me know I need to use the restroom. I guess he may get tired of chilling on a full bladder lol

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